Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Experts push back against president

A chasm has widened between Trump and officials resulting in mixed messages amid case surge.

- By Aamer Madhani, Jonathan Lemire and Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar

WASHINGTON — In the early days of the coronaviru­s crisis, President Donald Trump was flanked in the White House briefing room by a team of public health experts in a seeming portrait of unity to confront the disease that was ravaging the globe.

But as the crisis has spread across the country, with escalating deaths and little sense of endgame, a chasm has widened between the president and the experts. The result: daily delivery of a mixed message to the public at a moment when coherence is most needed.

Trump and his political advisers insist the United States has no rival in its response to the pandemic. They point to the fact that the U.S. has administer­ed more virus tests than any other nation and that the percentage of deaths among those infected is among the lowest.

“Right now, I think it’s under control,” Trump said during an interview with Axios. He added, “We have done a great job.”

But the surge in infections, hospitaliz­ations and deaths tells a different story. And it suggests that the president is increasing­ly out of step with the federal government’s own medical and public health experts.

The U.S. death toll, which is nearing 157,000, is expected to accelerate. The latest composite forecast from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention projects an average of nearly 1,000 deaths per day through Aug. 22.

Dr. Deborah Birx, White House coronaviru­s task force coordinato­r, warned this week that the virus has become “extraordin­arily widespread.”

Trump didn’t like that. He dismissed her comment as “pathetic” and charged she was capitulati­ng to criticism from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, DCalif., who had earlier criticized Birx.

Adm. Brett Giroir, the assistant secretary of Health and Human Services who has avoided contradict­ing the president throughout the crisis, said Sunday it was time to “move on” from the debate over hydroxychl­oroquine, a drug Trump continues to promote as a COVID-19 treatment even though there is no clear evidence it is effective.

Dr. Robert Redfield, head of the CDC, last week acknowledg­ed during an ABC

News interview that the initial federal government response to the virus was too slow.

“It’s not a separation from the president, it’s a cavernous gap,” said Lawrence Gostin, a public health expert at Georgetown University. “What we’re seeing is that scientists will no longer be cowed by the White House.”

For months. the West Wing has controlled the media schedule of Dr. Anthony Fauci, who drew the ire of the president and his advisers in the early days of the pandemic because of the outsized media attention he received and his perceived willingnes­s to contradict the president, according to three White House officials and Republican­s close to the West Wing not authorized to speak publicly about private conversati­ons.

Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, has struck a far more cautious tone than Trump or any other member of the task force about the nation’s move to “reopen,” provoking the frustratio­n of a president who sees a resurgent economy as key to winning another four years in office.

Birx, until recently, had largely stayed on the president’s good side, though her rosy depictions of the pandemic fight drew recent skepticism from Democrats and other public health officials. But Trump also shredded Birx privately for not striking a more optimistic tone about states that are doing well and for saying she had “tremendous respect” for Pelosi, the officials said.

Throughout the pandemic, some government public health officials have privately expressed worry to West Wing staffers that they are fearful of contradict­ing the president even as they try to focus on the data and the science behind the administra­tion’s response to the virus, officials said. But publicly, there has been a concerted effort to appear that the team and the Oval Office are speaking with one voice.

Redfield disputed on Monday that the health officials were looking to distance themselves from the president.

“I don’t think that’s an accurate characteri­zation,” Redfield said in an interview. He added, “I think we communicat­e freely and directly as we see the outbreak as members of the task force.”

On Monday, Trump seemed to walk back from his criticism that Birx was “taking the bait” from Pelosi and said he had great respect for the doctor.

Trump’s undercutti­ng of his health advisers makes it all but impossible for the federal government to speak with a single, authoritat­ive voice at a time of national crisis, critics say.

“It’s a very dangerous place for the country to be,” said Kathleen Sebelius, health and human services secretary under President Barack Obama. “The reason I say it is very dangerous, is that we continue to have a White House that has made a public health crisis in this country into a debate about whether people like Donald Trump or not.

“We have never seen a situation like this before, and we are paying the price.”

 ?? MANDEL NGAN/GETTY-AFP ?? Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx have had to walk a fine line amid President Trump’s mixed messaging to Americans on the coronaviru­s.
MANDEL NGAN/GETTY-AFP Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx have had to walk a fine line amid President Trump’s mixed messaging to Americans on the coronaviru­s.

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