Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Populists woo voters in Italy’s poorer south

- By Frances D’Emilio

NAPLES, Italy — In the Naples suburb of Torre del Greco, a port town at the foot of Mount Vesuvius, voters are steaming.

Local seamen have jobs lost to foreigners willing to work for lower pay. The town is without a mayor, who was arrested months ago in a kickback scandal. Some 13,000 small investors lost their savings in the bankruptcy of a shipping company.

Those woes only aggravate the daily difficulti­es of life in Italy’s underdevel­oped south, where youth unemployme­nt runs 50 percent or higher, and the jobless rate among all ages is nearly double that in the relatively affluent north. It’s also an area long influenced by organized crime syndicates, where prosecutor­s say votes have been exchanged for guarantees of lucrative public works contracts.

Whichever party can convert voters’ palpable anger in the south into support in Italy’s March 4 election could very well determine who governs Italy. A few dozen southern races, including in the Campania region embracing Naples, are critical.

The maverick 5-Star Movement, a populist phenomenon that bills itself as the antidote to establishm­ent politics, appears positioned to benefit from citizen outrage as it aims to enter Italy’s national government for the first time.

“The South is a crucial area, an area in which negative emotions play a very relevant role, and it’s where these negative emotions can lead to the 5-Stars,” said Giovanni Orsina, a political expert at Rome’s LUISS university.

Analysts predict the March 4 vote will produce three blocs: the 5-Star Movement, former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s alliance of centrist and right-wing groups and a center-left group led by former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.

Vincenzo Accardo, the head of Torre del Greco’s seamen’s group, angrily told a rally last week that he had asked all the main parties to come to this town and learn about its problems. All but one didn’t bother to reply.

But he joyously presented the only candidate for prime minister who did — 5-Star leader Luigi Di Maio.

“This is a land that not only has great traditions, it unfortunat­ely has a high level of youth unemployme­nt,” said Di Maio, pledging to promote lasting jobs for young people.

In a sign of how crucial the southern voters are, the 5-Star Movement founder, comic Beppe Grillo, also came, making his only campaign appearance so far in support of Di Maio.

“Beppe! Beppe!” the crowd chanted.

In opinion polls, the 5-Stars consistent­ly rank as the most popular choice of those saying they’ll vote. But they also appear far short of clinching the absolute majority needed to form a government. And because they have rejected any post-election deal to join a coalition government, they risk not getting into power.

Still, the 5-Stars could play the spoiler, siphoning off support in key races from what pollsters say is the only electoral group that could get a majority — Berlusconi’s conservati­ves and far-right allies.

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