Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

America’s state-sanctioned hate speech

- Contact Andrew Abramson at aabramson@sunsentine­ On Twitter @AbramsonFL.

This is what it’s come to: a new breed of young, “hip” fascists have embraced the slogan “Hate Speech is Free Speech.”

They’re probably not incorrect in the legal sense. The Constituti­on protects them from being jailed for their dangerous, hateful beliefs. But publicly funded universiti­es aren’t legally bound to give hate speech a public forum, especially when its message endangers students.

For colleges, it’s a lose-lose situation. If hate is allowed on campus, they risk infecting young adults and putting students in harm’s way. If it’s banned, it turns these fascists into martyrs and gives them an even larger forum. Either way, this country is in trouble.

Milo Yiannopoul­os, the Brietbart News editor who was banned on Twitter for hate speech, travels around our country’s college campuses on his “Dangerous Faggot” tour. He fires up students with a message of hate. He’s not your grandfathe­r’s fascist: He has long hair and wears earrings and sunglasses. He’s openly gay yet mocks the gay community all in the name of anarchy. His fans include White Supremacis­ts like Richard Spencer. Spencer told Mother Jones magazine that Yiannopoul­os has been an inspiratio­n and “what we are doing is known to people. It’s edgy and dangerous, it’s cool and hip. It’s that thing our parents don’t want us to do.” This would be frightenin­g on its own, but it’s so much worse when you consider that Brietbart’s former editor, Steve Bannon, is now the White House’s chief strategist.

Yiannopoul­os’ speech at Berkeley on Wednesday was canceled after demonstrat­ors smashed windows and started fires. In addition to his usual hate mongering, Yiannopoul­os was reportedly prepared to out undocument­ed Berkeley students.

Violence is not the answer. But true to form, Trump took to Twitter Thursday threatenin­g to cut off federal funding at Berkeley if the university “does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view.”

There you have it — our president brushing off this hate as “a different point of view.” It’s state-sanctioned hate speech.

The fascists point to Black Lives Matter, saying they’re allowed to speak at colleges and they spread hate against police. But their movement at least is aimed at systematic discrimina­tion. The fascists’ main argument is that they have a right to say what they want. If they want to rail against Jews, Muslims, Hispanics, blacks or homosexual­s, that’s their prerogativ­e. They are not being systematic­ally discrimina­ted against. They just want to remain the superior race in a country that continues to get browner.

There are harsh laws against hate speech in other countries, including Germany. The Germans learned the hard way that scapegoati­ng a group of people can lead to a Holocaust.

The goal of Nazism 2.0 isn’t to murder Jews, but to put minorities in their place.

According to Politico, the White House last week blocked the State Department’s statement on Internatio­nal Holocaust Remembranc­e Day that referenced Jewish victims. The TrumpBanno­n White House specifical­ly didn’t want to use the word “Jewish” or “Jews,” instead refrencing generic victims. There was no public sympathy for the six million Jews murdered in a movement that began with hate speech.

Whether or not you believe hate speech should be allowed on college campuses, there’s a terrifying movement in this country and the White House approves of it. Trump sends out tweets when there’s terrorist attacks somewhere in the world involving a Muslim perpetrato­r. But he was silent this week when a white nationalis­t in Quebec killed six Muslims in a Mosque.

Donald Trump Jr. retweeted false informatio­n that a Moroccan was responsibl­e for the attack. Trump Jr. even “liked” a tweet that bragged of the “tremendous spike in political capital” his father would receive once “it’s revealed that the Quebec Shooting terrorists are Muslims.”

Is hate speech free speech? It’s acceptable speech to the White House.

 ?? Andrew Abramson ??
Andrew Abramson

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