Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Black delegates upset by Sanders backers.

Dems: ‘Never Hillary’ crowd overlooks what minorities may lose

- By Kathleen Ronayne

PHILADELPH­IA — As most Democrats rally around Hillary Clinton, the lingering “Bernie or Bust” movement is stirring frustratio­n at the party’s convention among delegates of color, who say they’re upset at the refusal of the Vermont senator’s most fervent backers to fall in line.

“I am so exhausted by it,” said Danielle Adams, a black Clinton delegate from North Carolina. “I think there are undercuts of privilege that concern me.”

Adams is among those who say the “Never Hillary” crowd, a group that is largely younger and white, isn’t considerin­g the struggles black Americans still face every day. And, they argue, how the nation’s ethnic and racial minorities may be affected by a Donald Trump presidency.

Rep. Cheryl Brown, a California delegate who is black, condemned what she called the “aggressive” behavior of some Sanders delegates, saying they jumped on tables and shoved people at the state’s hotel the night that Sanders moved that the convention nominate Clinton by acclamatio­n. “I think here at the convention, it’s been exacerbate­d by the way they are treating people,” she said. “I haven’t had that happen with any of the African-American Bernie supporters.”

Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, an African-American and close ally of Clinton, was telling the story of his late father — a share-cropper in South Carolina — on the convention’s first day when Sanders supporters started chanting “No TPP” and holding up signs opposing the trade pact.

“It was downright disrespect­ful,” said Kweisi Mfume, a Clinton delegate and former head of the NAACP, who called it a “a low point” of the four-day meeting. “I think it does not necessaril­y help the relations that Bernie’s people may have with the larger African-American community.”

Many black delegates at the convention said they don’t view the “Bernie or Bust” movement through a racial lens. Cummings said that as a veteran of many civil rights protests, he understand­s the passions that drove the mostly young delegates to shout over his speech.

“The optics were not pretty, but I couldn’t be upset with them. Two or three years ago, they would have been outside politics,” he said, adding that more than 100 people have since apologized for the outbursts. “I am so glad these people are under our tent.”

Others, meanwhile, are frustrated by Sanders backers who contend the nomination was stolen from the Vermont senator. They say those delegates are ignoring the fact Sanders lost the nomination to Clinton, in part, because he didn’t appeal strongly enough to African-American voters.

“They haven’t considered the perspectiv­e of minorities,” said Kenneth Williams, a black Clinton delegate from Texas. “I don’t think there was enough there to bridge to that community.”

Clinton undoubtedl­y has far more appeal than Sanders among black voters, a critical voting bloc in Democratic primaries. The former secretary of state won more than three out of four black votes in 25 primary states where exit polling was conducted and, by the end of the primary season, she had swept the 15 states with the largest black population­s.

“At the end of the day, (Sanders’) coalition looked too much like a modern day Woodstock, and not enough like the Obama coalition it takes to win the primaries and the general,” said Boyd Brown, a Democratic National Committeem­an from South Carolina who supported former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley.

Michelle Bryant, a radio talk host in Milwaukee who is attending the convention, said she’s heard similar concerns from some people who call in to her show. She said Clinton has a decades-long history of fighting for racial and economic justice that some Sanders supporters seem willing to dismiss — even as they promote Sanders’ civil rights advocacy. “You wouldn’t have expected this stuff to kind of break out along racial lines,” Bryant said.

 ?? MATT ROURKE/AP ?? Critics say the “Bernie or Bust” crowd isn’t considerin­g how a Donald Trump presidency could affect minorities.
MATT ROURKE/AP Critics say the “Bernie or Bust” crowd isn’t considerin­g how a Donald Trump presidency could affect minorities.

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