Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Anaphylaxi­s usually moves quickly

- Write to Dr. Roach at ToYourGood­Health@ or mail to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

Dear Dr. Roach: I heard recently someone say that they had an anaphylact­ic reaction to a vaccine many hours after administra­tion, say, 14 hours later.

Can anaphylaxi­s actually happen that long after exposure to an allergen? This is a general question, not vaccine-specific.

I’ve always been under the impression a reaction like this happens much more quickly. -- A.F.

Answer: Anaphylaxi­s is a severe, life-threatenin­g allergic reaction. It is uncommon. Less than 2 percent of people will experience anaphylaxi­s in their lifetime.

It can happen because of medication­s, such as allergy immunother­apy, and less frequently because of other medication­s, especially those that are injected, including vaccines.

It also can happen due to foods, including legumes (peanuts) and tree nuts.

Anaphylaxi­s usually comes on within a few minutes, rarely up to an hour after exposure. It is treated with epinephrin­e (also called adrenaline) to counteract the circulator­y system collapse that is part of the reaction.

Approximat­ely 20 percent of people with anaphylaxi­s will have a second set of symptoms after the initial symptoms are successful­ly treated.

These can be prevented, to some extent, with the use of steroids, which is why anyone with anaphylaxi­s needs immediate evaluation, even if they successful­ly treated themselves with an injection of epinephrin­e.

The second set of symptoms comes most frequently within three hours, but cases up to 10 hours later have been described.

In the case you are describing, it is possible the initial symptoms were treated and the person noticed a second set, although 14 hours is longer than I have seen reported.

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