Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Distractio­ns, tricks to cutting cat’s nails

- Cathy Rosenthal Send questions, stories and tips to

Dear Readers: When I opened my email, I was pleasantly surprised to find a slew of reader tips on how to cut a cat’s nails. I am impressed with so many softspoken cat parents who have mastered the art of distractio­n to get their felines to pay attention only to them, and not the approachin­g nail clippers.

Here are a few ways cat parents say they sweet talk, distract and otherwise trick their cats into a nail trim.

Dear Cathy: I wait until my cat is sleeping. I then gently pick up his nearest paw and clip those nails. I am telling him he is a good cat while doing it. I then get his other paw done. After I am done and have loved and praised him, I give him a treat. — Becky Hixson, via email

Dear Cathy: I have always had the best results when trimming my cats’ nails by taking them outside. Since they are indoor cats, they are not outside often. I bring one cat at one at time, sit them on my lap, and trim their nails.

They are so interested in what’s happening around them, they don’t even realize I’m cutting their nails. I can do all three cats in 15 minutes with no trauma to them or scratches and frustratio­n to me. — Laura, Aurora, IL

Dear Cathy: I have clipped my cat’s nails while they are sleeping, drowsy or napping. Even if they wake up, I can talk to them in a calm voice and get a few nails done each time. — Carol, Ellington, CT

Dear Cathy: Take your cat to a cat vet. The cat is in a situation where they are intimidate­d and will behave much better. We did this for years and it was worth every penny. It doesn’t cost that much, and they are skilled and can cut nails quickly. If you nip one toe too short, the cat will never forget. — Kitty, Mendota Heights, MN

Dear Cathy: I bought a “cat in a bag” or similar product where you can extract one foot at a time. It works for me. — Jae, Terrebonne, Oregon

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