Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Warrant issued for ousted Catalan leader

- By Aritz Parra and Lorne Cook Associated Press

MADRID — A Spanish judge issued an internatio­nal arrest warrant Friday for former members of the Catalan Cabinet who were last seen in Brussels, including the ousted separatist leader Carles Puigdemont, who said he was prepared to run for his old job even while battling extraditio­n in Belgium.

The National Court judge filed the request with the Belgian prosecutor to detain Puigdemont and his four aides, and issued separate internatio­nal search and arrest warrants to alert Interpol in case they flee Belgium.

Puigdemont’s Belgian lawyer did not answer calls requesting comment, but has said that his client will fight extraditio­n to Spain without seeking political asylum. Belgian federal prosecutor­s said they had received the arrest warrant and could question Puigdemont in coming days.

“We will study it, and put it in the hands of an investigat­ing judge,” spokesman Eric Van Der Sijpt said. “We are not in any hurry.”

Puigdemont and the four others are being sought for five different crimes, including rebellion, sedition and embezzleme­nt in a Spanish investigat­ion into their roles in pushing for secession for Catalonia.

The officials flew to Brussels after Spanish authoritie­s removed Puigdemont and his Cabinet from office Saturday for declaring independen­ce for Catalonia. The Spanish government has called a regional election for Dec. 21.

Puigdemont told a Belgian state broadcaste­r that he was in Belgium “ready to be a candidate” in the early polls and because he had lost faith in the Spanish justice system.

“We can run a campaign anywhere because we’re in a globalized world,” he told RTBF, adding that he was not in Belgium to “Belgianize Catalan politics.”

“I did not flee, but it’s impossible to properly prepare” a legal defense while in Spain, he told the broadcaste­r.

If Belgium acts on the internatio­nal warrant issued by Spain and arrests him, Puigdemont would have to be brought before an investigat­ing judge within 24 hours. His extraditio­n procedure would take 15 days, Belgian legal experts say. But should Puigdemont appeal, that process could take a further 45 days, meaning that he would probably not leave Belgium before early January, well after the elections.

In her decision Friday, Judge Carmen Lamela said that Puigdemont “apparently is in Belgium” and accused him of “leading the mobilizati­on of the proindepen­dence sectors of the population to act in support of the illegal referendum and thus the secession process outside the legal channels to reform the constituti­on.”

Spain says the only legal way to achieve secession is by reforming Spain’s 1978 Constituti­on with an ample majority in the national parliament. The constituti­on says the country is “indivisibl­e” and doesn’t allow regional votes on sovereignt­y.

The arrest warrant came a day after the same judge jailed nine former members of Puigdemont’s separatist government. All members of the ousted Cabinet were ordered to appear at Spain’s National Court on Thursday to answer questions in a rebellion investigat­ion. Five of them, including Puigdemont, didn’t show up.

Spanish prosecutor­s want to charge members of the dismissed regional government, as well as six additional members of the regional parliament, for promoting official steps to declaring Catalonia’s independen­ce.

Meanwhile, a panel of National Court judges Friday rejected an appeal seeking the release of two separatist­s who were jailed last month in a separate sedition investigat­ion.

A National Court spokesman said the president of the Assemblea Nacional Catalana, Jordi Sanchez, and Omnium Cultural leader Jordi Cuixart will remain in a Madrid jail while the investigat­ion continues.

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