Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Secret cash boosts Russia’s military

Putin’s increased but confidenti­al defense spending hides shift toward war economy

- By Andrey Biryukov Bloomberg News

MOSCOW — If Vladimir Putin’s ends remain mysterious, so do the means.

Putin is allocating unpreceden­ted amounts of secret funds to accelerate Russia’s largest military buildup since the Cold War, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

The part of the federal budget that is so-called black — authorized but not itemized — has doubled since 2010 to 21 percent and now totals 3.2 trillion rubles ($60 billion), the Gaidar Institute, an independen­t think tank in Moscow, estimates.

Stung by sanctions over Ukraine and oil’s plunge, Putin is turning to defense spending to revive a shrinking economy. The outlays on new tanks, missiles and uniforms highlight the growing militariza­tion that is swelling the deficit and crowding out services such as health care. Thousands of army conscripts will be moved into commercial enterprise­s for the first time to aid in the rearmament effort.

“The government has two urgent tasks: strengthen­ing security at all levels of society and promoting innovation to end the macroecono­mic stagnation,” said Ruslan Pukhov, director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologi­es and an adviser to the Defense Ministry in Moscow. “The solution to both problems is to intensify the developmen­t of the militaryin­dustrial complex.”

Since bringing the country back from the brink of bankruptcy a decade and a half ago, Putin has increased defense spending more than twentyfold in ruble terms.

In dollars, it exceeded $84 billion last year, more than any other nation except the U.S. and China, according to the Stockholm Internatio­nal Peace Research Institute.

Defense and the related category of national security and law enforcemen­t now eat up 34 percent of the budget, more than double the ratio in 2010. The U.S., by comparison, spent 18 percent, or $615 billion, of its budget last year on defense and internatio­nal security, according to the Washington-based Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

After studying Putin’s actions in Ukraine, including his seizure of Crimea, the National Defense Academy of Latvia, a former Soviet satellite that is now part of NATO and the European Union, concluded that Russia’s ultimate aim is to introduce “a state of permanent war as the natural condition in national life.”

“We can and must do for the defense industry what we did for Sochi,” Putin told generals and executives near the Black Sea resort May 12, referring to the $50 billion Russia spent to host the 2014 Winter Olympics there. “All questions relating to adequate resource allocation have been resolved.”

That same day, Putin signed documents creating what he called the “industrial battalions” program, which will give thousands of draftees the option of working in defense enterprise­s instead of joining the regular military.

After years of chronic funding problems for weap- ons-makers, Russia has started to prepay for the goods and services it buys from the more than 1,300 organizati­ons and 2.5 million people that make up the defense industry.

About half of this year’s defense budget was dispensed in just the first quarter, though most of what was paid for is classified.

The secret share of Russia’s budget may rise to 25 percent in 2016 as the military buildup continues and “more agencies and activities (such as border protection) are classified as national security,” the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund said in a report last year. Many of Russia’s fellow Group of 20 members cloak less than 1 percent of their spending, the IMF said.

One thing that isn’t being hidden from the public is the number of people in uniform, which is “perhaps the most palpable sign of Russia’s military transforma­tion,” according to Igor Sutyagin, a senior research fellow at the Royal United Services Institute in London.

“While uniformed manpower has declined in every Western nation since 2011, the number of Russian personnel increased by 25 per- cent to 850,000 between 2011 and mid-2014 — although this was still short of the 1-million manpower target set in 2010,” Sutyagin said in a research note.

NATO, created in 1949 to contain the Soviet Union, said it’s not sure what Putin is trying to achieve with either his actions in Ukraine or his weapons program.

“We cannot fully grasp Putin’s intent,” the alliance’s top military commander, U.S. Air Force Gen. Philip Breedlove, told Congress in April, according to the Defense Department’s website. “What we can do is learn from his actions, and what we see suggests growing Russian capabiliti­es, significan­t military modernizat­ion and an ambitious strategic intent.”

 ?? AP ?? Defense and related categories now eat up 34 percent of Russia’s budget, more than double the ratio in 2010.
AP Defense and related categories now eat up 34 percent of Russia’s budget, more than double the ratio in 2010.

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