Stamford Advocate

Russia poised to annex occupied Ukraine after sham election


KYIV, Ukraine — Russia was poised Wednesday to formally annex parts of Ukraine where occupied areas held a Kremlin-orchestrat­ed “referendum” on living under Moscow's rule that the Ukrainian government and the West denounced as illegal and rigged.

Armed troops had gone door-to-door with election officials to collect ballots in five days of voting. The suspicious­ly high margins in favor were widely ridiculed and characteri­zed as a bogus land grab by an increasing­ly cornered Russian leadership following embarrassi­ng military losses in Ukraine.

Moscow-installed administra­tions in the four regions of southern and eastern Ukraine claimed Tuesday night that 93 percent of the ballots cast in the Zaporizhzh­ia region supported annexation, as did 87 percent in the Kherson region, 98 percent in the Luhansk region and 99 percent in Donetsk.

“Forcing people in these territorie­s to fill out some papers at the barrel of a gun is yet another Russian crime in the course of its aggression against Ukraine,” Ukraine's Foreign Ministry said, adding that the balloting was “a propaganda show” and “null and worthless.”

The Foreign Ministry asked the European Union, NATO and the Group of Seven major industrial nations to “immediatel­y and significan­tly” step up pressure on Russia with new sanctions and by significan­tly increasing their military aid to Kyiv.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen urged the EU's 27 member countries to agree on a new package of sanctions on Russian officials and trade over the “sham referendum­s.” She labeled the ballots “an illegal attempt to grab land and change internatio­nal borders by force.”

Pro-Russia officials in the four regions said they would ask Russian President Vladimir Putin to incorporat­e their provinces into Russia on the basis of announced vote results. Separatist leaders Leonid Pasechnik in Luhansk and Denis Pushilin in Donetsk said they were leaving for Moscow to settle the annexation formalitie­s.

Western countries, however, dismissed the balloting as a meaningles­s pretense staged by Moscow in an attempt to legitimize its invasion of Ukraine launched on Feb. 24.

The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, said Washington would propose a Security Council resolution to condemn the voting. The resolution would urge member states not to recognize any altered status of Ukraine and include a demand for Russia to withdraw its troops from its neighbor, she tweeted.

The Kremlin remained unmoved amid the hail of criticism. Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that at the very least, Russia intended to drive Ukrainian forces out of the Donetsk region, where Moscow's troops and separatist forces currently control about 60 percent of the territory.

In an interview with The Associated Press, an adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Ukraine was determined to reclaim all the territory that Russia has seized during seven months of war. At the same time, presidenti­al adviser Mykhailo Podolyak insisted that annexation by Russia would change nothing on the battlefiel­d.

“We will liberate our territory by military means,” Podolyak said. “And for us, our actions depend not so much on what the Russian Federation thinks or wants, but on the military capabiliti­es that Ukraine has.”

Russia is calling up 300,000 reservists to fight in the war and warned it could resort to nuclear weapons after this month's counteroff­ensive by Ukraine dealt Moscow's forces heavy battlefiel­d setbacks. The partial mobilizati­on is deeply unpopular in some areas, however, triggering protests, scattered violence and Russians fleeing the country by the tens of thousands.

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