Stamford Advocate

Sudden STD rattles lengthy marriage

- Jeanne Phillips Write to Dear Abby at P.O. Box 96440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 or

Dear Abby: I have been married 45 years. It may not be the most loving or agreeable marriage, but it has always been steady, nonviolent and monogamous. Last year I had COVID, and I now have long-term symptoms with compromise­d immunity.

I recently had a bad outbreak of genital herpes. My doctor told me it can lay dormant for many years — but 45? My husband swears he has been faithful, and I WANT to believe him — but I know I have never cheated. Neither of us ever had problems with breakouts. This has caused me to lose trust in him. Our sex life, which had always been healthy, has stopped.

Have you ever heard of herpes being dormant for this long? I’m so embarrasse­d and angry. I haven’t told anyone. I have never heard of this.

Perplexed in Missouri

Dear Perplexed: My research tells me herpes CAN lie dormant for years without a flare-up. If your doctor isn’t aware of what’s going on, this is the person you should consult for the answer to that question. If your husband has given you no other reason to distrust his faithfulne­ss, please give him the benefit of the doubt.

Dear Abby: I am a straight male who has a long-term friendship with a lesbian co-worker I’ll call “Mickey.” I have always had an interest in her but never suggested anything due to her sexual orientatio­n.

Recently, Mickey told me she has feelings for me, too. We go out a couple times a week now and the relationsh­ip has changed from the flirtatiou­s one it was for years to something more.

We have gone back and forth and now we’re discussing buying a home together, which has me confused.

I am debating putting my feelings aside to make it easier for her to deal with her sexuality, but I love her and don’t want to lose her. Please advise me on how to proceed.

Confounded in California

Dear Confounded: You and Mickey need to have a SERIES of conversati­ons. Among the topics should be where your relationsh­ip may be leading in light of the fact that she identifies as lesbian rather than bisexual. Is marriage in the picture? Will buying a house together be an investment or a commitment on the part of both of you? Will each of you put in an equal amount of money? Once you and Mickey have done this, the answer to your dilemma will be apparent.

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