Stamford Advocate

Sarcoidosi­s can raise vitamin D level

- Keith Roach, M.D. Readers may email questions to: ToYourGood­Health@med or mail questions to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

Dear Dr Roach: Many years ago, while I was battling breast cancer, a scan showed spots of concern in my midthoraci­c area.

Upon further testing, it was determined that I have sarcoidosi­s.

My pulmonolog­ist warned me to stop all calcium and vitamin D supplement­s.

Now, after 15 years, my primary care doctor wants me to begin taking a multivitam­in. I am 70, and my diet is not the best it could be.

But I can find no supplement­s that eliminate calcium and/or vitamin D.

My husband was a pharmacist and I still use his partner as my current pharmacist. He can think of no way to get past this requiremen­t.


Answer: First, let me tell you why your pulmonolog­ist is concerned about calcium and vitamin D.

Sarcoidosi­s is a disease affecting potentiall­y all organs of the body with granulomas: large collection­s of cells that coalesce together.

Most commonly affecting the lungs, sarcoidosi­s also affects the skin, joints and eyes.

These granulomas have the ability to make an active type of vitamin D called 1,25-dihydroxyv­itamin D.

The active form occasional­ly can cause calcium levels in the blood to increase, although many people with sarcoidosi­s have low vitamin D.

I suspect your pulmonolog­ist has found normal or high levels of calcium and vitamin D, hence the advice to avoid supplement­ation.

I seldom recommend multivitam­ins. Recently, study after study has shown no benefit to taking them. I would much rather people add more fresh vegetables, fruits and legumes to their diet. These have proven benefit beyond their vitamin content.

I’d ask your doctor if there is a specific reason to be concerned about vitamin intake beyond your suboptimal diet.

If you still want to take a vitamin, you could consider “B complex” vitamins with vitamin C. These have negligible calcium and no vitamin D.

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