St. Cloud Times

Author Harari gathers a lot of informatio­n — about informatio­n


Million-selling author Yuval Noah Harari has another grand theme for his next book: Informatio­n.

Harari’s “Nexus: A Brief History of Informatio­n Networks from the Stone Age to AI” will be published Sept. 10 by Penguin Random House. Harari is known for such broad and accessible historical works as “Sapiens” and “Homo Deus.”

“We’re living through the most profound informatio­n revolution in human history, but we can’t understand it unless we understand what has come before,” Harari said in a statement Tuesday.

“‘Nexus’ doesn’t argue that understand­ing the past enables us to predict the future. My goal is to show that by making informed choices, we can still prevent the worst outcomes. Because if we can’t change the future, then why waste time discussing it?”

Harari’s books have sold more than 45 million copies worldwide and have been translated into dozens of languages, according to Penguin Random House. The publisher is calling the book “a revelatory framework with which to consider the complex relationsh­ip between informatio­n and truth, bureaucrac­y and mythology, wisdom and power.”

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