Springfield News-Sun

Poll shows most still agree on core American values

- By Gary Fields and Amelia Deveaux

WASHINGTON — Despite the country’s deep political polarizati­on, most Americans share many core beliefs about what it means to be an American, according to a poll.

The poll from The Associated PRESS-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that about 9 in 10 U.S. adults say the right to vote, the right to equal protection under the law and the right to privacy are extremely important or very important to the United States’ identity as a nation.

The survey also found that 84% feel the same way about the freedom of religion.

The results, which included perspectiv­es on a number of different freedoms and rights, have only small variances between Republican­s and Democrats except on the right to bear arms, which Republican­s are more likely to see as core to the nation’s identity. The overall findings are striking because they come at a time of extreme partisansh­ip when political agreements seem rare and concerns are heightened over the potential for violence during a volatile presidenti­al election year.

“If you get a bunch of normal people at random and put them in a room together and chat about issues, there’s a lot more convergenc­e than you might imagine,” said Michael Albertus, a political science professor at the University of Chicago.

A more pessimisti­c assessment of the country was reflected in another finding — that only about 3 in 10 Americans believe the nation’s democracy is functionin­g well. About half say the U.S. is a poorly functionin­g democracy, while 14% say the U.S. is not a democracy.

The tension between the broad consensus on the country’s fundamenta­l values and discontent with how well its form of government is working is not a surprise, experts say.

“Part of it is really our leaders are not reflecting the electorate, and they behave in a way that’s much more polarized than what the electorate is,” said Lilliana Mason, a political scientist at Johns Hopkins University.

Most Americans, she said, “are pretty moderate, but they’ve been riled up to hate people of the other party for being different from them culturally, racially and religiousl­y.”

The AP-NORC poll also found broad agreement on the importance of some key values for the U.S.’S identity as a country. About three-quarters of U.S. adults agree that a democratic­ally elected government is extremely or very important, and about 8 in 10 think the same about the ability of people living in the U.S. to get good jobs and achieve the American dream.

But what achieving that dream means — and which values are most fundamenta­l to American culture — isn’t something all Americans agree on.

Democrats are more likely than Republican­s — 71% to 38% — to believe that the ability to come to the U.S. from elsewhere in the world to escape violence or find economic opportunit­ies is core to the country’s identity. A majority of Republican­s, 58%, think a culture grounded in Christian values and beliefs is an essential characteri­stic, compared to only 18% of Democrats.

The poll found few divisions on democracy as a system in theory, but it identified one notable gap: younger Americans between the ages of 18 to 29 were less likely than those 60 and older to say the U.S. is a well-functionin­g democracy.

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