Sports Business Journal

Tolleson finds new challenge, and renewed opportunit­ies, as Hawken School administra­tor


AFTER LEAVING IMG in 2006, Stephanie Tolleson found a second career in education.

Since 2013, she’s been an administra­tor at Hawken School in suburban Cleveland, a 109-yearold private, co-ed school and college prep, which has grown from one campus to four in recent years. Hawken’s academics have been consistent­ly ranked among the best preps in Ohio, if not the entire Midwest.

While her daughter, Taylor, was attending Hawken, Tolleson was on the board of directors and chaired the school’s developmen­t committee, seeking to raise upward of $70 million for a centennial developmen­t project. The school hired a full-time developmen­t head, but that person dropped out before starting. Tolleson was asked to fill in temporaril­y — 11 years ago.

“I stayed because it was engaging and stimulatin­g mentally, and I believed in the mission,” she said.

As COO, Tolleson heads business affairs. She calls helping the school through the pandemic one of her most arduous profession­al assignment­s.

“No one believes this when I tell them, but it’s kind of like IMG. The head of school is a visionary, like [Mark] McCormack, and they’ve built a family inside.

“Clearly, educationa­l content is very different, but in personal ways, it’s still the same; very relationsh­ip dependent, even with different kind of sales and marketing functions.”

Tolleson is finally leaving Hawken, retiring in about a month.

“Clearly, educationa­l content is very different, but in personal ways, its still the same; very relationsh­ip dependent, even with different kind of sales and marketing functions.” STEPHANIE TOLLESON

 ?? ?? Hawken School’s Stirn Hall, designed by DLR Group, rose during Stephanie Tolleson’s tenure.
Hawken School’s Stirn Hall, designed by DLR Group, rose during Stephanie Tolleson’s tenure.

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