South Florida Sun-Sentinel (Sunday)

Employees crave asynchrono­us work.

Here’s how to do it right.

- By Hovhannes Avoyan |

Location, location, location — that’s what leaders are told the pandemic changed irrevocabl­y about work culture. Work from anywhere! Work from home! Work from a tropical island (as long as it has reliable internet)! But what many missed was a far bigger and more important need for workers: Time flexibilit­y matters more than location flexibilit­y.

Particular­ly after two years of Zoom meetings and “you’re on mute” exchanges, it’s taken for granted that we’ll have colleagues who won’t be in the cube next door. What’s just as important is enabling asynchrono­us work — the ability of employees to work when they’d like.

If you’re like my company and you have staff spanning time zones, you need to make asynchrono­us work a priority.

And, like my workplace, you might find that doing so improves productivi­ty, increases flexibilit­y and adds to employee satisfacti­on.

Those aren’t just anecdotes from Picsart, the company I lead. We surveyed

2,000 employed, nationally representa­tive adults in the U.S. and asked them about their work preference­s, entreprene­urial undertakin­gs and creative pastimes.

An overwhelmi­ng majority — 84% of workers surveyed — said they are more likely to work for a company that can operate asynchrono­usly.

Crucially, this preference spans generation­s, with 90% of millennial­s,

80% of Gen-Zers, 82% of Gen-Xers, and

79% of boomers all reporting they’d be more likely to work at an asynchrono­us company.

Here’s why this matters: The market for talent has never been more competitiv­e. Job openings are at an all-time high, and employees aren’t choosing where to work based on compensati­on alone. They want to work for firms that embrace flexibilit­y and nontraditi­onal work hours — not as something they have to do in response to an internatio­nal crisis, but as something they want to do because it’s in everyone’s best interest.

But how do you do this successful­ly? Here are five lessons from my experience that can help other organizati­ons looking to build a successful asynchrono­us work culture.

1. Working on your own time doesn’t mean working all the time.

People shouldn’t feel pressure to keep up with colleagues in London and Los Angeles. Meaning, just because your company works at different times doesn’t mean people should work all the time.

This is a genuine risk with asynchrono­us work. Thankfully, there are ways to manage it. A simple trick: Designate times when everyone is offline, regardless of time zone. At Picsart, every third Friday is a day off for all of our employees. This has helped to create a safety valve, and it has sent the signal that no one is expected to be able to respond to their global colleagues at all hours.

2. Prune meetings.

Meetings can be a productivi­ty killer, and that goes double if you’re an asynchrono­us work culture. The reason? A meeting that starts in the morning on the East Coast could be untenable for colleagues in the Middle East, and vice versa.

An asynchrono­us culture actually forces the hard question: Exactly why are there so many meetings on the calendar, and what purpose do they serve? Because time zones make calendar overlap more difficult, the quality of meetings can increase because they become more limited.

But that must be a deliberate process. You can eliminate meetings and even establish entirely meeting-free days. For my team, that’s every Friday. For essential meetings, consider recording them and then sharing the recordings so people can catch up on the content on their own time.

3. Encourage individual­s to enact boundaries.

Decisions about time are deeply personal, and companies can only do so much in setting cultural expectatio­ns and workplace guidelines. That’s why it’s important to encourage employees to create their own schedules and boundaries. Make it OK for people to block off time on their calendars.

Often, it’s hardest for leaders and managers to do this. Those in leadership sometimes feel the need to do more or be more available. Dispense with that. Advise people at the top to set the tone by taking time for themselves and putting clear guardrails on their schedules. Once leaders do it, others will, too.

4. Use a culturally informed approach.

Time isn’t just a quantity — it has a cultural quality. If you have a diverse team and employees in different countries, build a culture of respect for country-specific and religious holidays.

This sounds easy to do, but it’s often the first thing that’s overlooked when building an asynchrono­us organizati­on. Calendar software sometimes has default holidays, all of which reflect U.S convention­s. Communicat­e clearly about upcoming holidays, events and country-specific days off, and then build expectatio­ns that teams in those places or people who celebrate those occasions will be offline.

5. Establish a culture of personal accountabi­lity.

In some ways, the prerequisi­te for asynchrono­us work is a team that can get its work done, no matter where it is or when it works. That requires personal accountabi­lity — meaning keeping promises at the employee level about what work is ahead and when it will be done.

Make it a habit for employees to communicat­e their individual goals on a regular basis. That way, their success can be measured objectivel­y and not be clouded by “the way things have been done.” If a team member has clarity around their goals and their managers do, too, there’s less stress about what hours are applied against those goals. In other words, trust people to work — but work to build trust across the organizati­on.

When it comes down to it, the changes over the past several years — the freedom to work where and when team members would like — come down to trust. A team that is trusted to manage itself can adapt to other external shifts, whether worldwide pandemics, supply chain disruption­s or a colleague who moves halfway around the world.

For some companies, that trust already exists. If you’ve establishe­d agreed-upon norms around productivi­ty, accountabi­lity and respect for time, for instance, then an asynchrono­us work environmen­t will feel like second nature. If you haven’t, hopefully some of the steps above can help create a schedule that not only enables flexibilit­y and aids in recruiting, but also improves the organizati­on’s output and efficacy — and builds trust at the same time.


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