Sentinel & Enterprise

Sick of plans that change at last minute

- Annie Lane Send your questions for Annie Lane to

Dear Annie: I’m frustrated with my sister-in-law and the way she plans the holidays that she hosts or organizes. Generally, what happens is that she will reach out to the family to see what will work for everyone. We’ll make any other plans around the agreed-upon plan. Then, closer to the holiday, my sister-in-law will change the plans, saying the new plans work better for her family. Most often, the new plans conflict with other plans that we’ve made.

This year, she not only changed the day and time of our family gettogethe­r but also decided it would be held at her house rather than ours.

I don’t want to miss seeing the rest of our family since we likely won’t go to other holiday events that are being held indoors this year, but I feel like, if we keep accommodat­ing her behavior, it will continue to happen. What’s your take on it? — Tired of Accommodat­ing

Dear Tired of Accommodat­ing: My take for this year is simple: Don’t go to or host indoor gatherings with people outside of your household. As for next year and the years after that, if and when your sister-in-law attempts these lastminute changes, just say no — politely, of course. You can keep it simple, something like, “We’d like to keep to the time and place that we all agreed to.”

It’s reasonable to ask that everyone stick to the agreed-upon time and place out of considerat­ion for everyone’s schedules. That’s the whole point of plans, after all.

One man’s trash ...

Dear Annie: My husband of de-cades has a habit I don't care for, and I can't seem to make him un-derstand the problem. I have run out of ideas and have asked coun-selors and anyone I can who might have an answer or suggestion. I am desperate to see whether you or your readers have any ideas. The issue is this: If he sees any-thing around and he doesn't recog-nize it, he throws it away. If you are right there, then you can stop him. Otherwise, you're out of luck I check the garbage for items regu-larly. The last things he tossed out that I didn't catch were my two photo al-bums from my childhood. My mom, dad and great-grandma worked on those two albums. Needless to say, the albums contained pictures of many individual­s who are gone. I can't seem to forgive him and get over it. It's mostly grieving for what I can never see ever again. I thought I'd made him understand that these sentimenta­l items are mine and that he has no right to throw something away without checking with me. Please help. I have tried counsel-ing, both me alone and us together. I have left notes on items from mat-ter-of-fact to rather nasty. I have tried explaining, every day, not to throw my things away. Please tell me how to deal with this problem. I am at my wit's end! — Missing My Things Dear Missing: While not consid-ered its own psychologi­cal disorder, compulsive ded uttering can be a symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder. I encourage you to find a 2015 article on The Atlantic web-site, entitled "The Opposite of Hoarding," and see whether the be-havior described reminds you of your husband. Though you've tried therapy yourself and attended cou-ples therapy with him, he may ben-efit from individual therapy on his own, potentiall­y for the treatment of OCD. If I hear any insights from read-ers, I'll be sure to print them here.

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