Santa Fe New Mexican

‘Blame Trump’ defense looks like long shot

- By Michael Kunzelman and Alanna Durkin Richer

The “Trump-made-me-do-it” defense is already looking like a long shot. Facing damning evidence in the deadly Capitol siege last month — including social media posts flaunting their actions — rioters are arguing in court they were following then-President Donald Trump’s instructio­ns Jan. 6. But the legal strategy has already been shot down by at least one judge, and experts believe the argument is not likely to get anyone off the hook for the insurrecti­on where five people died, including a police officer.

“This purported defense, if recognized, would undermine the rule of law because then, just like a king or a dictator, the president could dictate what’s illegal and what isn’t in this country,” U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell said recently in ordering pretrial detention of William Chrestman, a suspected member of the Kansas City-area chapter of the Proud Boys. “And that is not how we operate here.”

Chrestman’s attorneys argued in court papers that Trump gave the mob “explicit permission and encouragem­ent” to do what they did, providing those who obeyed him with “a viable defense against criminal liability.”

“It is an astounding thing to imagine storming the United States Capitol with sticks and flags and bear spray, arrayed against armed and highly trained law enforcemen­t. Only someone who thought they had an official endorsemen­t would even attempt such a thing. And a Proud Boy who had been paying attention would very much believe he did,” Chrestman’s lawyers wrote.

Trump was acquitted of inciting the insurrecti­on during his second impeachmen­t trial, where Democrats made some of the same arguments defense attorneys are making in criminal court. Some Republican lawmakers have said the better place for the accusation­s against Trump is in court, too.

Meanwhile, prosecutor­s have brought charges against more than 250 people so far in the attack, including conspiracy, assault, civil disorder and obstructio­n of an official proceeding. Authoritie­s have suggested that rare sedition charges could be coming against some. Hundreds of Trump supporters were photograph­ed and videotaped storming the Capitol and scores posted selfies inside the building on social media, so they can’t exactly argue in court they weren’t there. Blaming Trump may be the best defense they have.

“What’s the better argument when you’re on videotape prancing around the Capitol with a coat rack in your hand?” said Sam Shamansky, who’s representi­ng Dustin Thompson, an Ohio man accused of stealing a coat rack during the riot.

Shamansky said his client would never have been at the Capitol on Jan. 6 if Trump hadn’t “summoned him there.” Trump, he added, engaged in a “devious yet effective plot to brainwash” supporters into believing the election was stolen, putting them in the position where they “felt the need to defend their country at the request of the commander in chief.”

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