Santa Fe New Mexican

Mueller to testify publicly on Capitol Hill

- By Nicholas Fandos

WASHINGTON — Robert Mueller, the special counsel, will testify publicly before Congress on July 17 about his investigat­ion into Russia’s election interferen­ce and possible obstructio­n of justice by President Donald Trump, House Democrats announced Tuesday night.

Coming nearly three months after the release of Mueller’s report, the back-to-back hearings before the House Judiciary and Intelligen­ce committees promise to be must-see television and hold the potential to reshape the political landscape around Trump’s presidency and a possible impeachmen­t by the House.

Mueller, who has spoken publicly only once about his work, resisted taking the witness stand, where he will face questions both from Democrats eager to employ him to build a case against Trump and Republican­s eager to vindicate the president’s innocence.

In the end, the two committees were forced to issue subpoenas compelling Mueller to appear.

The chairmen of the panels, Reps. Jerrold Nadler of New York and Adam Schiff of California, wrote in a letter to Mueller on Tuesday that they understood he had reservatio­ns about appearing on Capitol Hill, but they were insistent he do so anyway.

“The American public deserves to hear directly from you about your investigat­ion and conclusion­s,” the chairmen wrote. “We will work with you to address legitimate concerns about preserving the integrity of your work, but we expect that you will appear before our committees as scheduled.”

The White House declined to comment Tuesday night.

Schiff told reporters shortly after the announceme­nt that he expected his committee to meet privately with members of Mueller’s staff after his testimony to answer additional questions.

The committee leaders have been under intense pressure from Democratic activists and their own rank-and-file members alike to secure an appearance by Mueller.

Nadler and Schiff initially invited the special counsel to testify voluntaril­y in April, but discussion­s proved thorny and protracted. Mueller and his team of prosecutor­s wanted to avoid a public spectacle, asked to limit his remarks to closed sessions with lawmakers and insisted that their 448-page report would best speak for itself.

Republican­s in the House welcomed the news. They are likely to press Mueller not just on those bottom-line conclusion­s but also on the compositio­n of his team — which Trump has dismissed as a group of “angry Democrats”— and what they argue are possible irregulari­ties and government abuses around the origins of the FBI Russia investigat­ion that Mueller inherited.

As of now, it does not appear that Mueller will participat­e in a hearing before the Republican­controlled Senate, where lawmakers in the majority were less insistent he appear.

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