Santa Fe New Mexican

Dems split on Romero

At least two party officials call on candidate to quit House race over scandal

- By Daniel J. Chacón dchacon@sfnewmexic­

Controvers­y surroundin­g legislativ­e candidate Andrea Romero over improper reimbursem­ents while serving as executive director of the Regional Coalition of LANL Communitie­s is creating strife within the local Democratic Party.

At least two ward chairs are calling for Romero to drop out of the race for Santa Fe County’s House District 46, going against party rules by speaking out against the Democratic nominee.

Romero, who weathered nagging questions about the unlawful reimbursem­ents leading up to the June primary election, in which she defeated three-term incumbent Rep. Carl Trujillo, has faced fresh criticism over the issue since a special audit identified nearly $27,000 in “improper expenditur­e payments” to Romero’s consulting company and an independen­t investigat­ion found that Romero was aware of a travel policy that was routinely


“I find it all pretty indefensib­le,” Ward 1C Chairwoman Diana Orozco-Garrett, who supported Trujillo in the primary, said Thursday. “At worst, it’s theft and fraud, and at best, it’s extreme negligence and extreme incompeten­ce.”

Another ward chairwoman, Consuelo Luz Arostegui, also is calling for Romero to withdraw. But Arostegui said she feels like she’s caught in a dilemma because ward chairs are “bound to support Democratic candidates that are before us after the primary.”

“My integrity is very important to me,” she said. “So how do I keep my integrity when I’m supposed to be out there encouragin­g people to go out and vote? As a matter of fact, we’re being encouraged [to tell New Mexico Democrats] to vote a straight Democratic Party ticket. What am I going to say if somebody says, ‘What about that Andrea Romero who’s done all this stuff ?’ What am I supposed to say? So it puts me and my fellow ward chairs who are concerned about this in a real tough situation.”

Romero declined a request for an interview. But her campaign manager, Neri Holguin, said she was mystified by the calls for Romero to quit the race.

“Because Andrea acknowledg­ed improper Coalition and Board expenses during the Primary, paid them back and won election, I’m puzzled why these women are working to divide our Party and our community,” Holguin said in a statement.

Todd McElroy, who chairs the Democratic Party of Santa Fe County, said his duty is to support the candidate who won the primary.

“In any race, not just House District 46, we can’t have officers of the party second-guessing the will of the people,” he said.

McElroy acknowledg­ed that he has heard from others who want Romero to step down.

“And I’ve heard as many ward chairs and leaders say that we should support the outcome of the primary election when the voters of that district made a choice,” he said.

Debbi Kapp Brody, chairwoman of Ward 5D, declined to discuss her position about whether Romero should stay in the race, saying any member of the Democratic Party’s executive committee is “obligated by the rules of the party to support whomever is on the ticket.”

She said her plan is to continue to work to “create a blue tsunami” in New Mexico in November, though she said the cloud of controvers­y hanging over Romero could prove problemati­c.

“It will definitely create challenges in terms of trust, and it will be uncomforta­ble for me to talk to people as I canvass as it is for me to talk to you without saying everything,” she said. “I believe that some people are choosing to lose their positions [as ward chairs] so that they can speak out, and that’s just a personal choice.”

McElroy said he did not intend to pursue any action against Orozco-Garrett or Arostegui.

“I think that Ms. Romero has taken responsibi­lity based on her guidance from the fiscal agent of the RCLC, which is Los Alamos County staff,” he said.

The coalition is composed of nine cities, towns and tribal government­s that surround Los Alamos National Laboratory. Its mission is to advocate for regional economic developmen­t and nuclear cleanup, among other things.

The public agency has been under fire over revelation­s earlier this year concerning thousands of dollars in improper reimbursem­ents that included alcohol, Major League Baseball tickets, at least one first-class plane ticket and other questionab­le expenses.

McElroy said he read the special audit conducted by State Auditor Wayne Johnson, a Republican, as well as the investigat­ive report commission­ed by Los Alamos County, which acted as the coalition’s fiscal agent, and “both came to the conclusion that there was no criminal intent.”

“It is unfortunat­e that mistakes have been made [at the coalition], and it is unfortunat­e that they have been conflated to the detriment of the Democratic Party ticket,” he said.

Romero, who served as the coalition’s executive director from 2015 to February, has said repeatedly that she did not “knowingly or deliberate­ly” violate any standard for reimbursem­ent.

Romero has also said that she was only following the procedures that were explained to her when she began working for the coalition, which involved Los Alamos County reviewing the reimbursem­ent requests and the various treasurers of the coalition board signing off on them.

But Orozco-Garrett and Arostegui said the violations of the coalition’s travel policy, as well as state law, are more than just simple mistakes that can be overlooked.

“I just read that Nancy Pelosi has come out that anticorrup­tion is going to be one of campaign running slogans for the Democratic Party now in the next two months,” Arostegui said. “How can that be what we’re running for and not be willing to look at this situation and be more conscious of, ‘Wait a minute, this is not the kind of behavior we support … or at least let’s not just dismiss it as if it wasn’t important when it is important.’ ”

Romero faces write-in candidate Heather Nordquist, also a Democrat, in the November general election, in which there is no Republican candidate on the ballot for the state House seat.

Nordquist was one of the whistleblo­wers who dug up informatio­n about the improper public expenditur­es prior to the primary election.

 ??  ?? Andrea Romero has faced fresh criticism over reimbursem­ents since a special audit identified nearly $27,000 in “improper expenditur­e payments.”
Andrea Romero has faced fresh criticism over reimbursem­ents since a special audit identified nearly $27,000 in “improper expenditur­e payments.”

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