Santa Fe New Mexican



In an episode you directed this season, two characters switch bodies. As an actor, that sounds like it would be fun to interpret a character another actor plays. Is it?

Yeah, I think that’s part of what’s fun about this show in general, is that we do get to interpret these characters in multiple different ways, not just in a body-swap episode. But last season, when we did the alternate reality or the alternate universe when we go into sort of the “Alice in Wonderland” upside-down world, we’re constantly throwing these characters in situations where we get to see different sides of them, and I think the audience really loves seeing different versions of these characters and different aspects of their personalit­ies come out.

Now that you’ve tried your hand at directing, does it make you think differentl­y about your job as an actor?

Yeah, you know for me as an actor, I approached directing as an actor, which really informed the way that I dealt with it. I think directors come at the job from different angles and I definitely came at it as an actor and as someone who loves actors and who loves acting and so the opportunit­y to work with this amazing cast that I love so much in a different way was really special. And it did change the way that I look at actors and the way I look at myself and the way I look at directors and the way I look at writers. It changed everything about the way I behave on set. It really did. I have such an appreciati­on for the crew that I work with on this show; they’re so amazing and they were so generous and so supportive of me and it really was like the best feeling to have all of those people behind me.

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