Santa Fe New Mexican

Jack Osbourne



How did you decide to do the tour this season in a vintage camper?

To be totally honest it was Dad’s idea. He first toured the U.S. (with Black Sabbath) in a ‘71 GMC camper, and he had some kind of childhood fantasy about reliving that experience, minus the cocaine, booze and groupies – we are both very sober and very married (laughs). I was in love with the notion because we had so much ground to cover, and driving that beast wasn’t that dreamy.

While fishing in Key West, you hooked an amberjack that appeared to give you a pretty tough fight. How long did it take to boat it and how big was it?

We were out at sea for like four hours, and we ended up hooking that bad mother about 2 1/2 hours out. It roughly weighed 35 or 40 pounds. My forearms felt like I’d just set a new speed record on El Capitan.

How is Ozzy as an angler?

He should not give up his day job, let’s just say that (laughs).

Did you have any encounters with fans/viewers this season? What was the funniest?

Things were a lot calmer this year. No mini-riots or crazy folks. Everyone we met along the way was super respectful and gracious. The funniest thing to me is that we have my dad in these little, tiny towns in a lot of flyover states, so when people see him, they are literally shell-shocked.

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