Santa Fe New Mexican

Senate GOP fast-tracks last-ditch ACA repeal

Republican­s face pressure to repeal ‘Obamacare’ before Sept. 30, when legislatio­n will require 60 votes to pass

- By Elise Viebeck and David Weigel

WASHINGTON — Senate Republican leaders seem increasing­ly focused on reviving their effort to undo the Affordable Care Act before the end of the month, asking Congress’s nonpartisa­n budget analysts to fast-track considerat­ion of a plan that would devolve federal health care spending to the states.

The Congressio­nal Budget Office is in the process of estimating the cost and coverage impact of the Graham-Cassidy bill, according to a senior Senate Republican aide.

The measure from Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Bill Cassidy, R-La., Ron Johnson, R-Wis., and Dean Heller, R-Nev., would provide states with funding to establish health insurance programs outside ACA protection­s and mandates, an approach that could force millions off insurance rolls.

Republican­s are facing pressure to undercut the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, with legislatio­n as soon as possible, partially because the Senate’s ability to pass budgetary legislatio­n with a simple majority expires Sept. 30.

After that date, health care legislatio­n will require 60 votes to pass, making it much harder for Republican­s to approve legislatio­n that would restructur­e Obamacare.

Democrats are taking the latest chatter seriously, and liberal lawmakers spent the weekend slamming the bill on social media.

“The Graham-Cassidy SenateGOP ‘health care’ bill IS Trumpcare, & it will rip health care away from millions of Americans,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Massachuse­tts, wrote as part of a series of tweets.

Progressiv­e groups also spent the weekend on the warpath. Ben Wikler, the Washington director of MoveOn, told followers to be ready for a possible vote as early as Sept. 27.

Republican leaders are now trying to determine whether they have enough votes to begin debate on the bill, according to Senate aides. They are also trying to get Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., whose “no” vote sank the most recent Republican health care bill in July, fully on board.

McCain has said he supports the bill in theory but wants to assess its impact on Arizona. Without prompting, he cautioned Republican­s on Sunday against the instinct to “ram through our proposal” with a party-line vote.

“Why did Obamacare fail? Obamacare was rammed through with Democrats’ votes only. … That’s not the way to do it. We’ve got to go back. If I could just say again, the way to do this is have a bill, put it through committee,” he said on CBS’s Face the Nation.

Senate Republican­s have a very slim path to victory on Graham-Cassidy: If more than two Republican­s vote no, the bill won’t pass. The math became even harder once Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., announced his opposition Friday.

“I can’t support a bill that keeps 90% of Obamacare in place,” Paul tweeted.

Cassidy replied to say the measure “repeals entire architectu­re of Obamacare & gives Kentucky control over its own health care.”

Compared with Paul, conservati­ve groups have been fairly quiet on the bill. Americans for Prosperity, the Kochfunded tea party group, has said nothing about it since the group’s pivot to tax reform in August.

Heritage Action for America, which organized years of repeal rallies, echoed Paul’s worry that the bill would leave the ACA’s basic structure in place.

But senators’ all-or-nothing pitch for the bill has worked on some organizati­ons.

The Family Research Council has backed the measure as the last good chance to “stop taxpayer funding of abortion and redirect tax dollars away from the nation’s largest abortion business, Planned Parenthood.”

FreedomWor­ks also gave the bill a partial endorsemen­t.

“It’s not the repeal of Obamacare that was promised,” wrote FreedomWor­ks’ legislativ­e affairs vice president Jason Pye on Saturday.

“Neverthele­ss, FreedomWor­ks is treating it as what is likely to be the last serious attempt to reform Obamacare,” he added.

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