Santa Fe New Mexican

Whitewashi­ng Sessions’ crime is not OK


In a passing mention of Attorney General Jeff Sessions in an article about President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner’s meeting with Russian officials (“Kushner discussed Kremlin conduit, report says,” May 27), it says that Sessions “recused himself from matters related to the Russia investigat­ion after it was revealed that he had failed to disclose his own meetings with Kislyak when asked during congressio­nal testimony about any contact with Russians.”

Although not false, this is a half-truth. Sessions in fact lied under oath to Congress, a crime that should not be tolerated, especially by the attorney general of the United States. This half-truth in itself is effectivel­y another lie, whitewashi­ng Sessions’ crime. Hans von Briesen Santa Fe

Stadium for Fuegos

A recent commentary in The Santa Fe New Mexican sports section (“Make the most of Fuego; they might not be here for long,” May 24) points out how the Fort Marcy Ballpark is not nearly as nice as the parks of other teams in the Fuego’s Pecos League, even the park in a California city I’ve never heard of — Adelanto. Fort Marcy looks “pedestrian.” James Barron writes, “While Fuego fans have been faithful followers, their strength in numbers cannot overshadow the abysmal stadium that houses their team.” Ouch.

The park is shoehorned in its space and is difficult to get to. The ballpark is tiny and worn. The Santa Fe Fuego, the fans and the league deserve better. Barron suggests, “If the city wants to remain an independen­t league player, it has to pony up for a better stadium.” Yes, a stadium.

Santa Fe needs a ballpark to anchor a popular, successful and winning ball team, with easy access, unlimited parking, bullpens, dugouts, a clubhouse, an outfield, grandstand, bleacher seats, restrooms, concession areas, changing rooms, showers and all the necessary features. It can be ours if we have the vision and resolve to make it happen. It’s time to step up to the plate, ball fans.

William Wadsworth

Santa Fe

God save us

I have just one thing to say. Unleashing the ignorant, boorish man-child Donald Trump on the world stage is an embarrassm­ent to every citizen of the United States of America. God save us all.

Chris Dougharty

Santa Cruz

You’ll love it

Santa Fe theater lovers are finding themselves with a rapidly growing list of fine production­s to enjoy. One of the best choices is the wonderful New Mexico Actors Lab’s current run of The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams. It’s playing at Teatro Paraguas and runs until Sunday. This classic play debuted in 1945,and its relevance lasts. Robert Benedetti, the director, is a man of impressive talent. He is the former dean of theater at the California Institute of the Arts and former chairman of the acting department at the Yale School of Drama. In film, he has won three Emmys and a Peabody Award. The splendid cast of actors shines under his direction. Lighting, costumes, set design and an imaginativ­e horseshoe-seating format enhance a great show.

Rosalind Doherty

advisory board member New Mexico Actors Lab Santa Fe

The Trump touch

Workmen stiffed or given 10 cents on the dollar.

Investors lost millions as he made millions declaring bankruptcy. Enrollees in Trump “university.” Michael Flynn — in the news every day. In jail tomorrow? Chris Christie. Rudy Giuliani. Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan have lost their integrity, their souls and futures in politics.

Melania Trump — have you seen a sadder-looking woman?

Kellyanne Conway — do you see the strain and pain in this once-attractive woman?

Steve Bannon — now the invisible man.

Jared Kushner under investigat­ion. As he falls, so will his wife, Ivanka Trump.

Our soldiers sent to Afghanista­n. How many of them will never return?

Or, our sailors in submarines, now that our enemies know where they are.

Intelligen­ce men and women — our own and those of our allies — now known to our enemies. How many will be murdered?

Note to members of Congress: Stop Trump before he brings America and all of us down with him. Barry M. Panter, M.D.

Santa Fe

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