Santa Fe New Mexican

Our Web readers speak out:


Sweetened-drink tax debate hangs over City Council vote, March 4

I am so glad I do not live in this crazy, socialisti­c city widely known as Fanta Se — where politician­s constantly search for ways to make government bigger, more involved in controllin­g your everyday choices, and finding new ways to get more of your money while using twisted logic to justify it. Amazing.” M.J. From Facebook No tax! We pay enough taxes as it is!” E.W. First, let me say I do not live in Santa Fe. I do visit there from time to time. Also, I don’t routinely buy sugary drinks. I question any government entity that attempts to control what their citizens eat, drink or otherwise consume. A city that taxes sugary drinks or regulates the size of sugary drink a person can buy (NYC), is infringing on the individual personal rights of those who live there. Increase taxes on alcohol, tobacco products and increase fines on current law/ ordinance violations. Please, don’t tell me that sugary drinks are the biggest problem that Santa Fe has and that it should tie up City Council and government time and efforts.” L.E.

Mayor [Javier] Gonzales has no business on what I eat or drink; your research is bogus. By the way, where is all the money going from that stupid grocery bag tax?” D.C’D.

This isn’t working in Philadelph­ia. Companies are moving out and closing down due to low sales of sugary products. Therefore, the tax money they say is for education is not there.” S.S.

Consider spreading the tax across other options. Soda, alcohol, cigarettes and fast food, etc. Then the effects on one sector won’t be so devastatin­g.” T.S. Quit poisoning children with this stuff.” G.G. Yes to tax on junk; no tax on essential items! Sugary drinks are junk, contribute to obesity, which becomes a health problem to the community. A tax does not dictate if one can or cannot buy an item. Meanwhile, education needs all the help we can give it. Yes!” U.S.B.

I don’t buy soft drinks that contain sugar, but in support of those who do, I will buy my groceries in Albuquerqu­e. This is an insane amount of tax for one group of people.” E.M.

Legalize pot. It would bring millions to New Mexico.” D.G. Sounds like a win-win.” M.C.R. Go for it!” D.M. No tax!” J.S. No tax!” I.B.

Lensic theater owners rekindle effort to develop nearby property, March 3 From Facebook

I assume the bean counters have crunched the numbers and determined that more hotel rooms are needed? Or is it a ‘zero-sum game’ in which guests at ‘The Lensic Hotel’ will be siphoned away from existing hotels? The latter possibilit­y seems likelier, given how economics usually work in this city.” S.S.

Oh man, I was really worried we were running out of hotels.” R.G. Parking is already a problem downtown.” P.M. More parking options please!” K.K.

J.Crew’s New Mexico T-shirt is a geographic­al atrocity, March 3 From Facebook

The founders of J.Crew — the Cinaders — used to live in Santa Fe and visited the downtown store often. They were really nice.” E.S.

What about the glass half full or some publicity is better than no publicity, or don’t look a gift horse in the mouth? J.Crew created four state T-shirts, and New Mexico was one of them.” C.C.

Meh, don’t care. It’s one way to get a copyright on something that’s been done over and over again. As long as the spaceship is in the right place.” M.M.

At least they acknowledg­e we are a state. LOL. Many people still think we are Mexico and can’t drink the water.” L.I.A.

I’d rather buy the T-shirt that says: New Mexico, it’s not new and it’s not Mexico.” E.K.

El Mitotero needs to get a life. Be glad when New Mexico gets any high-profile publicity!” S.B.

Those Tucumcari peaks are breathtaki­ng!” J.B.N.

Senate passes gas tax for road fund, but governor vows veto, March 3 From Facebook

Why keep raising taxes in one of the poorest states and highest-taxed … pass something else that helps solve this annual issue or roll back tax breaks for the wealthy, film industry, etc.?” K.S.

No, what they need to do is cut down on expenses.” R.P.

Yes, higher gas tax and liquor tax and cigarette tax are all things I am willing to pay for.” N.S.

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