Santa Fe New Mexican

Our Web readers speak out:


New principal to take helm at Santa Fe High, May 27 “

Eleven principals in 16 years says more about the upper management than it does about the principals selected. Zero for 11, fourth in six years?” G.J. “

The removal of Estimada Mary Massey as prinicpal at Santa Fe High School raises some serious leadership reform questions which will not benefit our teachers, staff, parent involvemen­t and especially our student population in Santa Fe.” J.V. “

Eleven principals in 16 years. No individual, however capable, can bring stability to a system that is inherently unstable.” D.B. “

A lot of turnover, too much. However Carl [Marano] is an outstandin­g educator and man of his word. He will bring stability and progress to SFHS. [Superinten­dent Joel] Boyd stumbled onto a great choice, a true Santa Fean; what a concept!” R.R. Albuquerqu­e Trump rally turns violent, May 25 “

Protesters and rioters are being paid to follow Trumps rallies — and to cause a stink.” F.I. “

They are. They are paid and supported and organized by Bernie and Hillary and their left-wing hate groups.” M.J. “

It’s really sad to see people protesting and covering their faces up, causing destructio­n and raising the Mexican Flag on United States soil. It reminds me of ‘Black Lives Matter’ and ‘ISIS.’ They’re simply cowards with no values for a free society.” J.S. “

It’s a little ironic that reading or listening to what Trump says makes you think a fourth-grader is speaking and most of the people quoted in this article sound exactly the same. I don’t agree with anything Trump says or has planned, but this was an outright riot. Burning vendors’ merchandis­e is going beyond low.” C.M. “

Maybe they should built a wall — to keep the U.S. out of Mexico. We have already destroyed its economy, removed farmers from their land to grow crops for the U.S. and polluted its water to make Coca-Cola. We are stealing their oil and driving it across the border. We hire Mexicans at subpoverty wages in their own country. They come here because we go there.” C.T. “

Funny! After the Mexican-American War was over (remember the Alamo?), the United States owned all of Mexico. The United States gave half of Mexico back. I guess the ones that got cut off south of the border are a little upset?” K.F.K. “

K.F.K., the Alamo was during the Texas war for independen­ce from Mexico that establishe­d the Republic of Texas. The Mexican-American War was a dozen years later. But that doesn’t negate the rest of your comment!” G.L. “

G.L. At last! Someone who understand­s from whence this situation begins! Actually, we (U.S.A.) have been fighting Mexico for a very long time. We, with a ‘vision’ like Mr. Trump, believed we had a Manifest Destiny to own everything we cast our eyes upon. In 1848, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo gave the United States a huge piece of what was formerly Mexico, making up the present states of New Mexico, California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah and portions of Colorado and Wyoming. It recognized Texas as an American territory. In all, the United States gained nearly 1 million acres, all for the sweet price of $15 million.” B.C-I. “

Rights come with responsibi­lities. I hear stuff like this, ‘Trump is so hateful that it makes people riot.’ If so, they are being thugs. They are not exercising their First Amendment rights.” D.M. “

Fascist, hater Trump has no place in our state. His supporters need to be asking themselves how they’ve been fooled into believing that a bigot born with a silver spoon in his mouth, who is not even capable of managing his inherited wealth, is capable of managing our country. Interestin­g but not surprising that this newspaper, which endorsed our train wreck of a Republican governor, writes that protesters ‘prompted’ police to fire pepper spray. Like the Albuquerqu­e Police Department takes its orders from protesters — when cops show up girded up and armed for war, they, not the protesters, are the agitators.” C.M. “

Spitting on Trump supporters doesn’t make the rioters agitators? So much for Democrats’ respect for free speech.” P.K. “

The rise of fascism in America. Trump is an ignorant blowhard who is deeply racist. He told the protesters to get out. I tell Trump to get out of New Mexico and don’t come back. Our state is diverse and tolerant and we have no use for his authoritar­ian, narcissist­ic fascism. Deport Trump!” T.R. “

These protesters only serve to galvanize Trump’s existing supporters and add more to their ranks.” P.N. “

To the violent protesters at the Trump rally — you are the reason Trump is so popular. Your subhuman behavior has given proof to his hate talk. YOU make him look good to his supporters. YOU make normally reasonable people turn against the Sanders and Clinton camp. He should thank you, fools.” G.B.P.

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