San Francisco Chronicle

Boys needn’t play football to build character

- Judith Keenan, San Francisco

Regarding “In the trenches to save high school football” (Front Page, Aug. 26): A rule of thumb that has provided common sense to me over the years comes to mind regarding the great decline in interest of high school football: When something becomes more and more problemati­c and less and less essential, maybe its time to let it go.

Healthy organisms and entities must always be eliminatin­g what is no longer useful, or they will die.

Surely we can come up with something besides football to prepare boys to function effectivel­y in a world that desperatel­y needs them to value compassion and strength over violence and tribalism.

Carol Campbell, Oakland

Close Diablo Canyon

Regarding “State doesn’t need nuclear power” (Open Forum, Aug. 25): Great opinion piece on Gov. Gavin Newsom’s ridiculous plan to throw away $1.4 billion of our tax money on maybe keeping the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant open for a few more years. Wouldn’t that money be better spent on increasing the state’s renewable energy production and storage? That is the future we are trying to achieve isn’t it?

Let’s not forget this is our beloved Pacific Gas & Electric Co. we are talking about. Its history of greed and negligence has given us devastatio­n and deaths from gas explosions and transmissi­online sparked wildfires. We have been lucky so far, and we can only hope we get to Diablo Canyon’s current closure date in 2025 without an accident that would leave a large part of California uninhabita­ble.

The Legislatur­e needs to say no to this ill considered scheme.

Eric Svahn, Berkeley

Too much of a good thing

Regarding “Unchecked rise is not sustainabl­e” (Open Forum, Aug. 23): Howard Hendrix is right that humanity is in denial about the threats of uncontroll­ed population growth. Certainly there is no aspect of the climate crisis that is not worsened by the crush of population, including water shortages, degradatio­n of forests and wildlands, destructio­n of ocean life and so on.

Humanity’s collective behavior is basically the same as a culture of bacteria in a petri dish. An observer from another galaxy would see no difference. Both strive only to produce more of themselves, consuming critical resources at unsustaina­ble rates and degrading their environmen­t in the process. Bacteria, however, can shut down when resources run out, surviving as resistant spores until favorable conditions return. We, unfortunat­ely, have no such option.

Paul Rude, Berkeley

S.F. is in disarray

It has been widely noted that San Francisco’s government has seemingly lost the ability to actually solve urban problems. I could not agree more as we observe the blights on our communitie­s, such as unending homelessne­ss, that continue decade after decade.

A quote from San Francisco Assembly Member Matt Haney in Friday’s paper about the fraud perpetuate­d by the city’s former Public Works director provided an insight to our civic dysfunctio­n: “The entire apparatus of city government was polluted with his corrupt behavior.”

It seems clear to me that we have been ill served by our city government for many years as we seek solutions to our myriad of problems.

Adina Haun, San Francisco

Justice is not served

Regarding “Paul Pelosi pleads guilty, sentenced to DUI charge” (Bay Area & Business, Aug. 24): Because Paul Pelosi pleaded guilty to a second charge of driving with a 0.08% alcohol level or higher causing injury, I’m confused by the judge dropping it “in the interests of justice.” It certainly wasn’t justice in the injured party’s interest.

 ?? Jack Ohman / Sacramento Bee ??
Jack Ohman / Sacramento Bee

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