San Francisco Chronicle


- By Christophe­r Renstrom

ARIES (March 19-April 18): You’re beginning to question your all-or-nothing approach. There’s nothing wrong with backpedali­ng – especially if it puts money in your pocket.

TAURUS (April 19-May 19): Responding to an offer is just that. A response. See where the conversati­on leads and keep an open mind.

GEMINI (May 20-June 19): Don’t jump ship yet. Think Kate Winslet. Ride the back of the Titanic all the way to the end and you’ll wind up safe and sound.

CANCER (June 20-July 21): It’s time for others to move on, but not you. Stick with what you’re doing and you’ll emerge on the other side of this no worse for wear.

LEO (July 22-Aug. 21): You’re excited by the bevy of opportunit­ies but keep a cool head. You’re in the catbird seat. Enjoy mulling over the possibilit­ies.

VIRGO (Aug. 22-Sept. 21): Leave things open-ended for now because you couldn’t predict the outcome anyway. Remember that Children of Mercury always land on their feet.

LIBRA (Sept. 22-Oct. 21): A certain someone’s in financial trouble. Now’s a good time to make your way towards the nearest exit. SCORPIO (Oct. 22-Nov. 20): You and a partner are approachin­g a fork in the road when it comes to career paths. One of you will have to sacrifice. Start the conversati­on now.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 21-Dec. 20): You always said you’d leave your current work situation if something better came along and now that it has – you’re hesitant. Explore possibilit­ies. You can always say no.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-Jan. 19): Change is scary. Neverthele­ss you’ve got this. If two years of Uranus in Taurus taught you anything it’s how to think on the spot.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 17): It may feel like you’re revisiting old situations – and you are – but this time you’re older and wiser. Put that experience to good use.

PISCES (Feb. 18-March 18): Don’t feel guilty pouncing on an opening left by a colleague’s departure. Think empty seat on an overpacked bus. If you don’t grab it then somebody else will.

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