San Francisco Chronicle

Administra­tion creates fear with ICE raids


It’s no surprise to read “Immigrant arrests fall short of forecast” (July 24). If the Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t agency truly wanted to round up and deport thousands of undocument­ed immigrants, it would not announce its plan to do so on a particular date. President Trump’s administra­tion’s leaks, cancellati­ons and rescheduli­ng of these ICE sweeps is purely meant to foment fear and uncertaint­y in the undocument­ed immigrant community. Its actions are cruel and characteri­stic of a president who has branded such individual­s as aliens instead of human beings.

Herman Rivera, San Jose

Free speech inquiry

Concerning “Hero sandwiches — with side of support” ( July 24): The supporters of a Clayton sandwich shop owner who offered a deal to anyone who said “send her back” when ordering (in reference to a chant aimed at Rep. Ilhan Omar, DMinn., during a campaign rally for President Trump) claim they are defending his freespeech rights. But this 45th president, in condemning the viewpoints of four minority congresswo­men as unAmerican and telling them to go back to where they came from, is actually trying to suppress their own freespeech rights. Would these customers defend them, too? Eleanor Fischbein, Alameda

Speak out against hate

As current and former Clayton residents, our 57 years of experience in this small town has generally been one of acceptance and peace. Of course there’s been occasional political strife, but this is the first time we’ve seen such blatant hatred and divisivene­ss proudly supported by one of our neighbors.

The fact that he is a business owner here makes his bigotry so much worse, as he offers services that will benefit only those who would use ethnicity and religion to make fun of people and to further the polarizati­on plaguing our country today. Thank goodness for Clayton Mayor Tuija Catalano and the many other thoughtful people who will continue to speak out against the type of hatred espoused by John Canesa.

Mary McFarland, Clayton

Border pressure

Regarding “Legalizing marijuana shouldn’t be priority” (Letters, July 24): My first reaction to the news that Sen. Kamala Harris has made legalizing marijuana one of her campaign issues was the same as the letter writer. Aren’t there more pressing issues? But on second thought, marijuana is still illegal nationally, making it a continued target of the war on drugs. This war causes the ongoing violence plaguing Mexico and elsewhere in Latin America. Being able to smoke pot in Arkansas may not be near the top of our priority list, but relieving the pressure at our borders certainly is. David Fairley, San Francisco

Hysteria momentum

I was a young child in 1936 in Germany when the wave of hysteria of Nazism was gathering strength. Germans were good people, but the hysteria momentum was too strong. We Americans are also good people, but are we strong enough to resist the wave that is now pulling us toward dictatorsh­ip?

Ursula Pedersen, Novato

Perilous times

I totally oppose all the plans and preparatio­ns of the United States government that are helping to fuel the dangerous fires of war in the Persian Gulf with Iran.

The world is already living on the very brink of nuclear war. And any smaller and localized war — such as the one that is brewing in the Persian Gulf — could easily and quickly spiral out of control and draw in Russia or China. This could become the beginning of humanity’s final death with nuclear weapons!

I urge all those who value and love life to most strongly speak out against the United States’ growing drift toward such a perilous war with Iran. The people of this nation must join with the entire world community in denying the reckless President Trump government from pushing the world into a suicidal catastroph­e. Rama Kumar, Fairfax

Rising cost of renting

In “Oakland stunned by 47% rise in homeless count” (Page 1, July 23), Sarah Ravani lists three reasons for the steep rise in numbers of unhoused people here and across the country: “drug addiction, mental illness, and a lack of housing.” Really?! Have we suddenly — over the past two years — seen an explosion in the number of renters addicted to drugs and/or suffering from mental illness?

No, we haven’t. What we have seen, in the East Bay and elsewhere, is a dramatic rise in the cost of renting that doesn’t decrease, no matter how much new housing is built. New marketrate housing is popping up everywhere, but the rents charged for those units show other landlords they can raise their rents, too, as high as demand will bear it, pushing out people with minimumwag­e jobs or fixed incomes.

Free market forces are not working to keep people housed. Perhaps we should consider housing not as a commodity, but instead as infrastruc­ture. Let’s fund more affordable and lowincome housing through federal and state infrastruc­ture deals. And let’s call a spade a spade. Mary Rees, Albany

Focus on solutions

As a Bay Area resident, I was not surprised by the article that Oakland homelessne­ss surged 47%. I am surprised that, while producing more affordable housing was included, critical solutions to the housing crisis were not mentioned, like protecting tenants, preventing evictions and preserving existing affordable housing.

We know that these solutions are necessary to support those most at risk of losing their homes and address the racial inequities the article mentions. These solutions are also directly linked to better health outcomes for the people and families who are able to live in stable, affordable homes and for our broader community. If we couple these solutions with housing and physical and mental health supports for all of those who are currently without a home, we can create a healthier Oakland and Bay Area where everyone can thrive. We know what we need to do, we just need the political will to make it happen. Katherine Schaff, San Francisco

No need for pageant

Regarding “There she goes” (Daily Briefing, Business, July 24): In this #MeToo era, should our country still be having a Miss America beauty pageant? This historic competitio­n objectifie­s women by having them parade around in swimsuits and evening gowns.

It should no longer be broadcast on national television, whether its location is Atlantic City, Las Vegas or anywhere else in the U.S. Frankly, I wish that the title of this news item was “There she went.” Josephine DiCostanza, Burlingame

Decrease the meat

Regarding “No laughing matter (Letters, July 23): I, too, find the idea of a marrot made of meat decidedly not funny, since I do not feel our environmen­tal crisis is anything to laugh about. An astonishin­g proportion of greenhouse gas emissions derives from meat production and the forest clearing associated with it.

In the current climate emergency, anything we can do to help the situation must be done, and that includes decreasing our dependence on meat, which is exactly the reason the Impossible Burger and its competitor­s were created.

I personally will never eat an Impossible Burger (I prefer my vegetables minimally processed), but I believe if faux meat can help our society to shed its addiction to animal products, it is valuable and those who spoof it with marrots betray their own ignorance.

Avilee Goodwin, Richmond

 ?? Joel Pett / Lexington Herald-Leader ??
Joel Pett / Lexington Herald-Leader

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