San Francisco Chronicle

Big state union backs Newsom’s bid for governor

- By Joe Garofoli Joe Garofoli is The San Francisco Chronicle’s senior political writer. Email: jgarofoli@ sfchronicl­ Twitter: @joegarofol­i

The 700,000-member Service Employees Internatio­nal Union California endorsed Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom for governor and state Sen. Kevin de León for U.S. Senate on Tuesday, giving the Democrats a powerful union ally to supply grassroots campaign help.

“SEIU California members are ready to work to see Gavin Newsom sworn in as California’s next governor,” Roxanne Sanchez, president of SEIU California, said in a statement Tuesday. “We believe that California can show the nation the way forward to a society that values every person and makes real progress toward economic and racial justice. Gavin Newsom will be both a visionary leader and, more important, a partner of working people in accomplish­ing these goals.”

Union officials praised de León as someone who “speaks up for California values.”

“Kevin shouldered our fight for the $15 minimum wage across the finish line, holds a strong record on environmen­tal justice and fought valiantly to protect our immigrant communitie­s when the Trump administra­tion moved to openly attack them and divide families,” said David Huerta, a union board member.“He’s stood up for us and our California values again and again.”

SEIU has long been one of the state’s most politicall­y active unions, spending upward of $300,000, for example, to help elect Wendy Carrillo to the Assembly from Los Angeles in a special election in December.

While union officials said it was too early to predict how much they would spend on the campaigns, most of their expenditur­es would be in the form of union members doing grassroots campaignin­g.

“We’ll be focusing on getting people on the ground,” Quintin Maidment, a spokesman for SEIU Local 2015, said Tuesday. Given that most of the union’s membership is based in Los Angeles County, the union will focus its campaignin­g there, as well as the Bay Area and in communitie­s of color across the state.

It’s one of several big union endorsemen­ts announced recently in the gubernator­ial race. Earlier this week, former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigo­sa won the support of the California Police Chiefs Associatio­n and the Peace Officers Research Associatio­n of California, which represents more than 70,000 public safety officers — the largest law enforcemen­t organizati­on in California.

Newsom and Villaraigo­sa were virtually tied in a survey this month from the nonpartisa­n Public Policy Institute of California. De León badly trails incumbent U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.

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