San Francisco Chronicle

Fed raises interest rate for 3rd time

- By Martin Crutsinger Martin Crutsinger is an Associated Press writer.

WASHINGTON — The Federal Reserve is raising its key interest rate for the third time this year and foresees three additional hikes in 2018, a vote of confidence that the U.S. economy remains on solid footing 8½ years after the end of the brutal recession.

The Fed announced Wednesday that it’s lifting its short-term rate by a modest quarter-point to a still-low range of 1.25 percent to 1.5 percent. It is also continuing to slowly shrink its bond portfolio. Together, the two steps could lead over time to higher loan rates for consumers and businesses and slightly better returns for savers.

The central bank said after its latest policy meeting that it expects the job market and the economy to strengthen further. Partly as a result, it expects to keep raising rates at the same incrementa­l pace next year under the leadership of Jerome Powell, who will succeed Janet Yellen as Fed chair in February.

The Fed’s action was approved 7-2, with Charles Evans, president of the Fed’s Chicago regional bank, and Neel Kashkari, head of the Minneapoli­s Fed, voting no. Both preferred to keep the benchmark rate unchanged at this meeting.

The central bank’s message Wednesday departed little from its recent statements. It still stresses that it expects to keep raising rates gradually. Its projection­s for future hikes, based on estimates of the 16 officials who took part in the rate discussion­s, showed that the median expectatio­n remains three rate hikes in 2018, at least two in 2019 and two more in 2020.

By then, the Fed’s target for short-term rates would have reached 3.1 percent — slightly above its current estimate of a long-term neutral rate of 2.8 percent. That would mean the Fed would still be seeking to tighten credit three years from now.

Powell has been a Yellen ally who backed her cautious stance toward rate hikes in his five years on the Fed’s board. Yet no one can know for sure how his leadership or rate policy might depart from hers.

What’s more, Powell will be joined by several new Fed board members who, like him, are being chosen by President Trump. Some analysts say they think that while Powell might not deviate much from Yellen’s rate policy, he and the new board members will adopt a looser approach to their regulation of the banking system.

On Wednesday, the Fed boosted its forecast for growth to 2.5 percent next year, up from its previous forecast of 2.1 percent. But it then foresees growth slowing to 2.1 percent in 2019 and 2 percent in 2020. Those rates are far below the 3 to 4 percent growth that the Trump administra­tion insists would result from its economic policies of tax cuts, deregulati­on and stricter enforcemen­t of trade laws against unfair foreign imports.

The Fed modified its forecast to take into account that unemployme­nt has fallen lower this year than it had expected. For the next two years, the Fed projects that unemployme­nt will decline from the current 4.1 percent to 3.9 percent in 2018 and 2019 and then tick up to 4 percent in 2020.

It also expects inflation to rise from 1.7 percent this year to 1.9 percent in 2018 and 2 percent in 2019. The Fed’s inflation target is 2 percent, But it has puzzlingly remained below that level for more than five years.

Even before Wednesday, most analysts had said they thought the still-strengthen­ing U.S. economy would lead the Fed to raise rates three more times next year. A few, though, have held out the possibilit­y that a Powell-led Fed will feel compelled to step up the pace of rate hikes as inflation finally picks up and the economy, perhaps sped by the proposed Republican tax cuts, begins accelerati­ng.

At his Senate confirmati­on hearing last month, Powell impressed his listeners as an evenhanded moderate who favored the kind of incrementa­l stance toward rate hikes that both Yellen and her predecesso­r, Ben Bernanke, embraced. A Senate committee approved Powell’s nomination and sent it to the full Senate, where his confirmati­on is considered certain.

Besides Powell, Trump has so far chosen two new members for the seven-member board. And he has the opening to nominate three more, including a Fed vice chair.

In his view of the Fed, Trump has made clear that he favors low rates. But the president has also expressed a desire to pull back on many of the regulation­s that were imposed on banks after the 2008 financial crisis. Trump and many Republican­s argue that those regulation­s are too burdensome, especially for smaller banks. Powell himself has sent some signals that he agrees.

 ?? Pablo Martinez Monsivais / Associated Press ?? Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen has said she is trying to have a smooth transition as Jerome Powell takes over as the Fed’s leader.
Pablo Martinez Monsivais / Associated Press Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen has said she is trying to have a smooth transition as Jerome Powell takes over as the Fed’s leader.

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