San Francisco Chronicle

Pansexual woman wants acceptance from family

- Write to Dear Abby at P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 or Universal Press Syndicate By Jeanne Phillips

Dear Abby: I’m a pansexual woman and open about it with my friend and also my brother. The rest of my family is super Christian. I tried to bring up the “gay” word, but they’re all against it and have strong opinions about the subject. I just want to feel accepted for who I am, and not keep anything from them. I need your opinion on when I should tell them — or should I just not tell them at all? Your help would be appreciate­d.

Pansexual in the U.S.A.

Dear Pansexual: While it may be empowering for you to disclose this informatio­n, it should be clear to you that your family — with the exception of your brother — is not open to hearing it. Respect that. However, you are free to live your life, so live it and be happy. You do not need their approval and you shouldn’t let their approval — or lack thereof — affect how you live.

Dear Abby: My husband and I own a coloring business. We color unicorns and rainbows and other pictures. They are beautiful and sell well. Recently, my mother-in-law started begging us to let her join our team. Abby, I’m sure she would do fine and that she could color within the lines, but we do not need any help. My husband suggested hiring her to run errands — to buy crayons and coloring books, perhaps — but I doubt she would be satisfied with that. I love our company as it is now. What do you think we should do? Coloring for You

Dear C.F.Y.: Because you love your company “as it is now,” do not hire your mother-in-law to fill a job that doesn’t need filling. To do so would be a recipe for disaster, because getting rid of her would cause lasting hard feelings. Instead, you and your husband should explain that “the company” doesn’t need another colorist right now, and see if you can help her find a part-time job elsewhere if she needs money or has time to fill. Dear Abby: We recently lost a beloved family member. My question is, how long do I wait before we deactivate his email and Facebook accounts? Some people say immediatel­y, or wait a year. Others have said to leave them active indefinite­ly. Do I need to send a message to his Facebook friends in advance? Also, would it be offensive or tacky if I downloaded pictures from his Facebook account and cell phone before we deactivate everything? There are some pictures of my nieces and nephews I would like to keep.

How Long Do I Wait

Dear How Long: There are no hard-and-fast rules covering a situation like this. Some people deactivate the accounts immediatel­y. Others leave them live indefinite­ly. However, you might wish to post a comment to the effect that, “For those friends who might not know, our beloved ‘Joe’ passed away on (date of death).”

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