San Francisco Chronicle

Internet of Things

Robert Herjavec


brings us up to speed on the state of IoT, detailing the importance and methods of securing our ever-evolving networks.

When it comes to the Internet of Things, why is security such a hot topic?

IoT is everywhere; it’s all-encompassi­ng. We expect interactiv­ity everywhere we go, in all aspects of our lives. From a corporate perspectiv­e, it’s about driving efficiency and insight. Large corporatio­ns are becoming increasing­ly dependent on computers and technology to drive their success. That means that these technologi­es become the gatekeeper­s of intellectu­al property and critical corporate informatio­n. Cybersecur­ity is becoming increasing­ly important to protect that informatio­n.

How does that cybersecur­ity respond to threats at the IoT’s new access points?

IoT connects everything, even commonplac­e devices like our doorbells and refrigerat­ors. These appliances are wired to the internet and are exposing the general population to the same types of attacks that large enterprise­s have to deal with on a regular basis.

The difference is, a consumer doesn’t have the same resources that an enterprise does to protect itself. With more of everything— more endpoints, more connectivi­ty, more hacks, more risk—large organizati­ons are outsourcin­g their security to third party providers who have the resources and scale to monitor their environmen­ts at all times. Our industry is shifting from a defensive strategy to a proactive security approach. We’re seeing investment­s in SIEM, endpoint, big data analytics and threat hunting.

The industry is getting more sophistica­ted, but so are the attackers. IoT is changing the game in terms of what is connected and is blurring the lines between personal and corporate devices. As an industry, we have to be prepared to protect our customers, and strive to minimize the impact of an attack. Our industry recognizes that security is not purely a technology issue.

We have to offer enterprise­s informatio­n on who is behind an attack and provide tailored guidance in terms of how they should respond and what they can do to contain the incident. In order to support this level of proactivit­y, we’re seeing more integratio­n across technology providers, and greater collaborat­ion between the service provider and the enterprise.

What can readers do to avoid becoming the victim of one of these attacks?

They sound simple, but the most common rules of thumb in security truly do apply and should be followed: avoid open wireless networks; never complete any financial transactio­ns in public Wi-Fi zones; build complex passwords—try using phrases as opposed to word or number combinatio­ns—and do not repeat the same password for multiple logins.

What are some best practices for choosing a security provider for a company?

Most enterprise­s choose to engage a security provider due to resource, skill or timing challenges. When selecting a partner it’s important that the enterprise and service provider truly view the relationsh­ip that way, as a partnershi­p. This has to be a high-touch, collaborat­ive effort, in order to ensure that a proactive model is built that best suits the enterprise’s security needs.

It’s important that the organizati­on and provider understand the scope of the ask and the timing requiremen­ts for the project or onboarding. In the case of a managed services partnershi­p, it’s important that an asset list exists to indicate the scope of what’s being monitored or managed. Also key: that there are clear definition­s in terms notable events or incidents that will be monitored and actioned; defined ownership of process and an aligned to escalation path are created; an agreed to operationa­l readiness checklist exists so all parties are on the same page from the get-go; and the provider offers support 365 days per year.

Security isn’t a 9-5 job and most organizati­ons outsource their security practices in order to ensure around-the-clock monitoring and management of their environmen­ts.

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