San Francisco Chronicle

Underwood tackles cystic-fibrosis cause

- By Maddie Lee Madeline Lee is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. Email: mlee@sfchronicl­ Twitter: @maddie_m_lee

When the Raiders’ Colton Underwood was still at Illinois State, he attended a golf tournament hosted by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation just outside of his hometown of Washington, Ill.

He accompanie­d his aunt, Shannon Hawksworth, whose infant daughter recently had been diagnosed with the lifethreat­ening disease. It was a good time to tell her of his plan: If he made it to the NFL, he would use that platform to help people with CF.

“It wasn’t surprising because that’s just who he is,” Hawksworth said. “He’s very selfless.”

In January, Underwood launched the Colton Underwood Legacy Foundation to get kids involved in athletics while also raising money for cystic-fibrosis research and support for those with the disease.

In his third year in the NFL, the linebacker-turned-tight end was a practice squad player for San Diego before coming to Oakland in December.

Underwood said he came from a tight-knit community and an even closer family. So when his now-4-year-old cousin was diagnosed with CF at birth, it was only natural that he take on her cause.

“I’m not going to lie, I knew nothing” about CF, Underwood said. “Even when Harper was first diagnosed with it, I didn’t really know a lot, even when I visited her in the hospital.”

Harper, whom Underwood described as “a little fire ball of energy and attitude,” is one of more than 33,000 Americans living with CF. The progressiv­e disease affects the lungs and digestive system by causing a buildup of mucus in several organs. Patients with CF often have trouble breathing and are prone to infection.

The median life expectancy of a person with CF is 37 years. That’s much improved over the past half-century.

Before Underwood launched his foundation, he held a youth football camp in his hometown last June to promote CF awareness. Because it was somewhat of a test run, Underwood offered the skills camp for free. The 400 spots were taken within hours. Through corporate sponsorshi­ps — from everything from hospitals to car dealership­s — $50,000 was raised for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, according to Underwood.

“Little contributi­ons here and there, they really added up,” he said. “I think it showed the type of community that I’m from.”

This year, the nonprofit is running the second annual camp (now $25, it already has sold out) and introducin­g a gala dinner to the festivitie­s. All will be held in Illinois this weekend. Underwood said the foundation is projected to raise more than $100,000 this year.

“I’m just so overwhelme­d by not only what he does,” Hawksworth said, “but the response that he brings out in everyone.”

Harper has become her big cousin’s right-hand woman in promoting awareness. She has come to interviews with him and they shot a video together to put on the foundation’s website. Although she was shy on camera at first, she accepted bribes in the form of candy, Underwood said.

“She’s awesome,” Underwood said. “Slowly she’s realizing what a tough situation she’s in.”

Twice a day, Harper sits through treatments designed to disrupt the mucus in her lungs, Hawkins said. She takes pills with every meal to help her digestion. She sees five medical profession­als and has regular checkups once every three months. Harper has to be careful to avoid contact with anyone who’s sick, which has proved a challenge for a family that has dinners at grandma’s house at least once a week.

Underwood is optimistic because he knows it could be much worse.

“We’ve been very fortunate up to this point for it not to affect her too much,” he said.

With her treatments, she is able to maintain her health, and she stays active. Harper, like her cousin, has a knack for football.

“She’s coming for me,” he said. “Slowly but surely.”

Underwood signed with San Diego as an undrafted free agent in 2014. He spent the majority of the past two years with the Chargers, but did not suit up for a regular-season game. After signing with Oakland in December, he agreed to switch from linebacker to tight end.

“Its going well,” Underwood said. “Every single day, it feels more comfortabl­e.”

 ?? Eric Risberg / Associated Press ?? The cousin of Raiders tight end Colton Underwood is a cystic-fibrosis patient.
Eric Risberg / Associated Press The cousin of Raiders tight end Colton Underwood is a cystic-fibrosis patient.

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