San Francisco Chronicle

Power broker in Assembly stepping aside

- By Laurel Rosenhall

Hours after Greg Campbell awoke from surgery in 2013, the phone rang in his Sacramento hospital room. It was Gov. Jerry Brown, calling to wish him a speedy recovery from the operation that removed a large tumor from his brain.

Campbell — a powerful, behind-the-scenes staffer in the Capitol — thanked Brown for the call. Then he seized the moment to lobby the governor to approve his boss’ bill to expand the Medi-Cal health care system for the poor.

“Greg says … ‘But governor, the only reason I’m alive today is because I have good health

insurance. There are 1½ million California­ns who don’t have health insurance who could have insurance if you sign AB1x1,’ ” recalled former Assembly Speaker John Pérez, who was at Campbell’s bedside during the call.

18-year career

Campbell, 42, is leaving the Assembly this week after an 18-year career in which he rose from a student intern who answered phones and opened mail to the chamber’s most powerful staff member. He served high-ranking positions for the last five Assembly speakers, and was chief of staff to the last two.

His departure comes as new rules about term limits are changing relationsh­ips between Capitol staff and lawmakers.

Senior staffers gained influence after voters approved a measure in 1990 that limited lawmakers to six years in the Assembly and eight years in the Senate. As politician­s were forced from office, senior staffers developed deep connection­s and expertise — and the clout that comes with longevity.

Next year, for the first time in more than 20 years, the Assembly will swear in a new speaker with the opportunit­y to serve nearly a decade. The change reflects a 2012 ballot measure that allows legislator­s to serve 12 years in either chamber, potentiall­y giving them time to gain expertise and rely less on staff.

“The new speaker will have the time to develop his own institutio­nal memory rather than borrowing it from the staff,” said Thad Kousser, a political science professor at UC San Diego who has studied term limits. “It’s good for the system to have the power reside in people who have been elected.”

Campbell is a leading example of the elite staff in Sacramento, whose years of experience with the Capitol’s issues, personalit­ies and politics was influentia­l with newly arriving lawmakers.

They’re also paid more than their bosses. Campbell is the highestpai­d staffer in the Assembly, with an annual salary of $197,604 — more than double the $97,200 salary for legislator­s who are not part of the leadership. Roughly 300 Capitol staffers are paid more than the lawmakers’ base salary.

Helping campaigns

As the speaker’s chief of staff, Campbell managed a house with 80 legislator­s and 1,300 employees. He had the authority to say no to lawmakers when they wanted to chair a committee, switch offices or boost their staff ’s pay.

“That person is doing the bidding of the speaker, but it arguably makes the job more powerful than even some elected members of the Legislatur­e,” said former Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez, D-Los Angeles.

Campbell’s job wasn’t just administra­tive. He helped organize campaigns that elected some members to the Assembly. That work, which he did outside his full-time service in the Capitol, as required by law, helped Assembly Democrats win a two-thirds supermajor­ity in 2012.

Campbell also strategize­d on policy issues. When he was chief of staff to Pérez, he helped get more California­ns health care under MediCal. He also worked with Pérez on a college scholarshi­p program for middle-class families and helped current Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins, D-San Diego, win approval of a tax credit for the working poor.

“Ultimately, the speaker makes the decision on the play that is called, and when that play is called I run it,” Campbell said. “But I clearly had the ability to be part of the discussion.”

When Atkins became speaker last year, she said she kept Campbell as her chief of staff so she could “hit the ground running.”

“I came in knowing I would be a very shortterm speaker because of term limits,” she said. “I wanted someone who understood the Assembly and … he was uniquely situated to do that for me.”

Atkins will step down as speaker in March, when Assemblyma­n Anthony Rendon, D Lakewood (Los Angeles County), is scheduled to be sworn in. Rendon, who could hold office until 2024, hasn’t yet named his senior staffers.

Staying in Capitol

Although Campbell is leaving government, he’s likely to remain a presence around the Capitol.

He plans to open a business working as a lobbyist and campaign consultant, a career path so common it’s called the revolving door. California law requires legislator­s who leave office to wait a year before they can register as lobbyists, but it doesn’t apply to staff.

Now fully recovered from his noncancero­us brain tumor, Campbell is looking forward to being able to slow down.

“I gave my life to this place,” Campbell said, glancing around his cramped office decorated with family photos and Seattle Seahawks mementos. “Almost literally.”

CAL matters is a nonprofit journalism venture dedicated to exploring state policies and politics. For more stories by Laurel Rosenhall, go to­is.

 ?? Max Whittaker / CALmatters ?? Greg Campbell is leaving the Assembly after an 18-year career in which he rose from student intern to become the chamber’s most powerful staff member.
Max Whittaker / CALmatters Greg Campbell is leaving the Assembly after an 18-year career in which he rose from student intern to become the chamber’s most powerful staff member.

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