San Francisco Chronicle

S.F. schools fraud — 6 facing charges

Current and former staff allegedly misused $15 million

- By Jill Tucker

Six current and former San Francisco Unified School District employees, including an ex-associate superinten­dent, are facing a total of 205 felony charges for allegedly misappropr­iating $15 million in public funds, prosecutor­s said Tuesday.

A three-year investigat­ion found the defendants illegally redirected government grants that were supposed to be used for after-school and health programs for a variety of purposes, including lining their own pockets, prosecutor­s said. The six allegedly diverted a total of $250,000 over 10 years for their personal use.

“All of this money was inappropri­ately used,” said District Attorney George Gascón. “We had people in positions of trust diverting money frequently for personal use. This is one of the worst kinds of corruption.”

The defendants include Trish Bascom, 66, who was associate superinten­dent of student sup-

port services, and former members of her management team. Bascom retired in June 2010, a few months before district officials publicly disclosed the “irregulari­ties in accounting practices.”

Bascom faces 94 felony charges, Gascón said.

The other defendants include Linda Sue Lovelace, 62, a former senior executive director in the student support services division; Meyla Ruwin, 51, a senior executive director who is on long-term leave; Lilian Capuli, 51, a former principal administra­tive analyst; and Betty Chuey Wong, 57, a senior clerk who is on leave, Gascón said.

Also facing charges is Mychel Navales, a former assistant principal at Marina Middle School who is Lovelace’s romantic partner. Prosecutor­s say Lovelace paid her $12,700 for work she never performed for the district, and that separately, Navales, 42, embezzled $5,800 from the middle school.

The women face charges including grand theft, embezzleme­nt and misappropr­iation of public money, forgery and perjury, prosecutor­s said. They were expected to surrender voluntaril­y Wednesday.

Grant money diverted

Prosecutor­s said Bascom and her employees diverted federal and state grant money to accounts at three community organizati­ons that hold contracts with the district — Edgewood Center for Children and Families, Bay Area Community Resources and the San Francisco School Alliance.

The district employees then directed the spending of the illegal funds.

Some staff got bonuses

According to prosecutor­s, the defendants took back some of the money for themselves, paid bonuses to other school district employees, paid $400,000 in salaries to “off-thebooks” workers and spent $200,000 to establish and maintain computer and phone systems in Bascom’s student support services division. District officials said they used separate computer systems to “perpetuate the scheme.”

Bascom is also suspected of transferri­ng $500,000 to an account held by a firm that was considerin­g hiring her, ETR Associates, which provides health and education consulting, prosecutor­s said. The firm and its executives do not face charges.

The defendants wrongly reported to state and federal officials that the money was spent according to grant specificat­ions, prosecutor­s said.

While $6.7 million of the total was ultimately spent on children’s programs, the expenditur­es did not comply with the terms of the grants, prosecutor­s said.

Leftover funds

Bascom’s attorney, Stuart Hanlon, said he hadn’t seen the list of charges against his client, but that it had been a longstandi­ng practice in the district to transfer grant funds to community organizati­ons to ensure leftover funds wouldn’t have to be returned.

She was following pre-existing protocol, he said.

So far, Edgewood and Bay Area Community Resources, which offer a range of youth services, have returned $4.7 million, said Gentle Blythe, school district spokeswoma­n.

No complicity

Officials from both nonprofits said they cooperated with the investigat­ion and were not complicit in the acts of the district employees.

“In 2010, when our organizati­on had concerns about directives given to us by various SFUSD school officials, we brought those concerns to the attention of senior district administra­tors, which triggered the current investigat­ion,” said Martin Weinstein, Bay Area Community Resources CEO. His agency provides services that include after-school programs. “Since then, we have cooperated fully with the school district and law enforcemen­t officials.”

The School Alliance, which helps create and support district reform efforts, hasn’t returned any funds to the district and invested $250,000 of the grant funds in the stock market and lost it, the district attorney said. Officials there did not return calls for comment.

Since the problems were discovered three years ago, the school district says it has created safeguards for tracking grant money.

Superinten­dent Richard Carranza said in a statement. “We conducted a top-to-bottom review of the department and its practices, and have put in place several measures to prevent any similar wrongdoing in the future.”

 ?? Brant Ward / The Chronicle ?? S.F. schools Superinten­dent Richard Carranza says the district has put in place some measures to prevent future wrongdoing.
Brant Ward / The Chronicle S.F. schools Superinten­dent Richard Carranza says the district has put in place some measures to prevent future wrongdoing.
 ?? Brant Ward / The Chronicle ?? D.A. George Gascón, school board President Rachel Norton and Superinten­dent Richard Carranza exit after detailing charges.
Brant Ward / The Chronicle D.A. George Gascón, school board President Rachel Norton and Superinten­dent Richard Carranza exit after detailing charges.

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