San Francisco Chronicle (Sunday)


- Catherine Bigelow is The San Francisco Chronicle’s society correspond­ent. Email: missbigelo­ Instagram: @missbigelo­w

On the very same day (Dec. 21) as the Cotillion Debutante Ball, Master

Joseph Michael “Tripp” Horwitz III celebrated his first birthday. Though he missed this white tieandtail­s, satinandla­ce scene later that evening at the Palace Hotel, his proud parents, Michael Horwitz and Cameron Phleger, were on hand.

“Tripp has already been invited to be a cotillion escort,” enthused his former debutante mom, with a laugh. “It’s only 17 years away.”

The class for the 78th cotillion was small yet mighty this year, as 12 young women made a formal curtsy to their social milieu.

Herewith, meet the 2019 debutantes: Charlotte Babbitt, Thea Donahoe, AnnaLiisa Eklund, Eloise Engs, Grace Ghiselli, Gianna Gunier, Frances Huebner, Katharine Huebner, Meredith Power, Natalie Towle, Kathryn

Treene and Kathleen Winnick.

“I don’t think there is a cotillion left in the United States where they still do the proper quadrille formations like it’s done in San Francisco,” noted Dede Wilsey, who, in 1961, was crowned Debutante of the Year by Town & Country Magazine. “It’s extraordin­ary they’ve kept the tradition of the escorts holding crossed canes, floral headpieces and the deep curtsy.”

Well, that’s thanks to the august ladies who helm the San Francisco Cotillion Club Committee — and everyone minds their social p’s and q’s when these former debutantes are on the dais.

This Gilded Era ritual always draws the Social Register set — a veritable Venn diagram of aunts, siblings, grandfathe­rs, moms and cousinsonc­eremoved — comprised of founding San Francisco and Peninsula families, from Gold Rush kings to newspaper barons.

As the clock struck 10, bandleader

Laurent Fourgo fired up the classic tunes (think “A Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody”) as the hotel ballroom buzzed with excitement. Guided by the dashing redsashed gents (including Robert Regalado, Frank Kappler and Robert Gardner )of the Floor Committee, the debutantes, swathed in whitesatin gloves and gowns trimmed with spun sugarlike tulle, commenced intricate dance formations and curtsies with their escorts atop the parquet. Fashion producer Charleston

Pierce is now in his sixth year of leading the young ladies through their ballroom paces prior to the ball.

“With a smaller group, I was able to dig into more detail and embrace the whole process: from walk and stance to curtsy — that entire ‘Princess Diaries’ aura,” explained Pierce, an EssEff native. “When I was in high school at School of the Arts (now Ruth Asawa San Francisco School of the Arts), I worked in catering here at the Palace. Now, being part of this great San Francisco tradition feels like home.”

That feeling was even more true for Frances Huebner, who debuted just in front of her twin sister, Kath


“That support felt great. I could look right behind me and Katharine would smile, encouragin­g me. And all the women who previously debuted also supported us,” she said, beaming. “I’ll never forget walking out and curtsying before family and friends. Sharing that with my best friend, my twin sister, makes me very happy.”

But this night is as joyful for the guests, a majority of whom either debuted or served as the debutante’s dapper escorts.

Lyn Jason Cobb, a sixthgener­ation San Franciscan, still fondly recalls her 1969 debut some 50 years ago.

“I love seeing so many generation­s of families, and continuing those connection­s from when my grandmothe­r and mother made their debuts — then sharing that forward with our children and grandchild­ren,” said Cobb. “Even the clothes are familiar. My sister, Marianne Wal

ters, and I are wearing the Oscar de la Renta gowns we wore to the cotillion for our cousin, Laura Pfaff.”

For 1982 debutante Elizabeth

Thieriot, this blastfromh­erpast was a reminder of family tradition and heritage.

“I haven’t been to a cotillion since my own. I was the first debutante in two generation­s in the family of my father (Peter Thieriot),” she recalled. “But it means more now that my daughter, Charlotte, is a debutante. And it’s wonderful to see this tradition from the other side.” Former debutante Diana Donlon

Karlenzig and her family were out in force to cheer on her niece, Kath

ryn Treene. But she and her husband, Warren Karlenzig, boogied in the ballroom almost as late as the teens.

“The dance floor was packed when we left at 1:30 a.m.,” she said later. “My mom (Suzanne Donlon) danced with our son, Owen, and her night was made. My dad (the late

David Donlon, a storied twinkle toes of numerous cotillions) would’ve loved every minute.”

 ?? Hilary Hood ?? 2019 Cotillion Club Debutantes: Top row: Gianna Gunier (left), Grace Ghiselli, Charlotte Babbitt, Meredith Power and Anna-Liisa Eklund. Middle row: Eloise Engs (left), Kathleen Winnick, Kathryn Treene and Frances Huebner. Bottom row: Natalie Towle (left), Katharine Huebner and Thea Donahoe. Dec. 21, 2019.
Hilary Hood 2019 Cotillion Club Debutantes: Top row: Gianna Gunier (left), Grace Ghiselli, Charlotte Babbitt, Meredith Power and Anna-Liisa Eklund. Middle row: Eloise Engs (left), Kathleen Winnick, Kathryn Treene and Frances Huebner. Bottom row: Natalie Towle (left), Katharine Huebner and Thea Donahoe. Dec. 21, 2019.
 ?? Catherine Bigelow / Special to The Chronicle ?? Former debutante Anne Giannini McWilliams (center) with her daughter-in-law and son, Sheila and Keith McWilliams.
Catherine Bigelow / Special to The Chronicle Former debutante Anne Giannini McWilliams (center) with her daughter-in-law and son, Sheila and Keith McWilliams.
 ?? Catherine Bigelow / Special to The Chronicle ?? Former debutante Dede Wilsey with her sons, Ambassador Trevor Traina (left) and Todd Traina.
Catherine Bigelow / Special to The Chronicle Former debutante Dede Wilsey with her sons, Ambassador Trevor Traina (left) and Todd Traina.
 ?? Catherine Bigelow / Special to The Chronicle ?? Colin Brown (left) Kathryn Treene and her parents Alexandra and Jeff Treene.
Catherine Bigelow / Special to The Chronicle Colin Brown (left) Kathryn Treene and her parents Alexandra and Jeff Treene.
 ?? Catherine Bigelow / Special to The Chronicle ?? Michael Horwitz and his wife, former debutante Cameron Phleger.
Catherine Bigelow / Special to The Chronicle Michael Horwitz and his wife, former debutante Cameron Phleger.
 ?? Catherine Bigelow / Special to The Chronicle ?? Former debutante Laura Pfaff and former Cotillion Club escort Tom Kelley.
Catherine Bigelow / Special to The Chronicle Former debutante Laura Pfaff and former Cotillion Club escort Tom Kelley.
 ?? Catherine Bigelow / Special to The Chronicle ?? Jessica and Jay Hickingbot­ham (left) with Loreen Jackson at the Cotillion Club Debutante Ball.
Catherine Bigelow / Special to The Chronicle Jessica and Jay Hickingbot­ham (left) with Loreen Jackson at the Cotillion Club Debutante Ball.
 ?? Hilary Hood ?? Debutante Eloise Engs and her escort, Maxwell Stryker, at the Cotillion Club Debutante Ball.
Hilary Hood Debutante Eloise Engs and her escort, Maxwell Stryker, at the Cotillion Club Debutante Ball.
 ?? Catherine Bigelow / Special to The Chronicle ?? Christian Huebner with twin debutante daughters, Frances (left) and Katharine Huebner.
Catherine Bigelow / Special to The Chronicle Christian Huebner with twin debutante daughters, Frances (left) and Katharine Huebner.
 ?? Catherine Bigelow / Special to The Chronicle ?? Debutante Charlotte Babbitt and her mom, Elizabeth Thieriot Babbitt, at the ball.
Catherine Bigelow / Special to The Chronicle Debutante Charlotte Babbitt and her mom, Elizabeth Thieriot Babbitt, at the ball.
 ?? Hilary Hood ?? Debutante Thea Donahoe and her father, Daniel Donahoe, at the Cotillion Debutante Ball.
Hilary Hood Debutante Thea Donahoe and her father, Daniel Donahoe, at the Cotillion Debutante Ball.
 ?? Catherine Bigelow / Special to The Chronicle ?? Lynn and Dr. Peter Callander (left) with his mother, cotillion patron Barbara Callander.
Catherine Bigelow / Special to The Chronicle Lynn and Dr. Peter Callander (left) with his mother, cotillion patron Barbara Callander.
 ?? Hilary Hood ?? Debutante Anna-Liisa Eklund with her grandparen­ts, Astrid and James Flood.
Hilary Hood Debutante Anna-Liisa Eklund with her grandparen­ts, Astrid and James Flood.
 ?? Hilary Hood ?? Debutante Gracie Ghiselli at the Cotillion Club Debutante Ball.
Hilary Hood Debutante Gracie Ghiselli at the Cotillion Club Debutante Ball.
 ?? Catherine Bigelow / Special to The Chronicle ?? Peter and Marian Thieriot at the Cotillion Club Debutante Ball.
Catherine Bigelow / Special to The Chronicle Peter and Marian Thieriot at the Cotillion Club Debutante Ball.

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