San Diego Union-Tribune


Union Pacific, BNSF affected by temporary shutdowns in Texas


The federal government has closed railroad crossings in two Texas border towns, raising concerns about the potential impact on cross-border trade and American consumers.

Customs and Border Protection announced Sunday that it would temporaril­y stop railroad operations in Eagle Pass and El Paso starting Monday. It did not say how long rail operations would be paused.

The railroads and politician­s have decried the move that closes two of the six available railroad systems between Mexico and the U.S.

“This train doesn’t just stop at Eagle Pass. This train doesn’t just impact Texas,” Rep. Tony Gonzalez, a Republican who represents the affected region, said Tuesday during a news conference. “This train impacts all of America, goods that are going all over America.”

Why is it happening?

CBP reported as many as 10,000 people entering the country illegally every day through the southwest border this month. Closing the railroad would free up customs officers to assist overwhelme­d U.S. Border Patrol agents who need to take migrants into custody.

Thousands of asylum seekers who have crossed are sleeping outside along the border as they wait for federal agents to process them. Most are released with notices to appear in immigratio­n courts, which are backlogged with more than 3 million cases.

Operations were changed for similar reasons when CBP closed a port of entry in Lukeville, Ariz., a pedestrian crosswalk in San Diego, and an internatio­nal bridge in Eagle Pass, Texas.

What is the economic impact?

Union Pacific and BNSF are the two railroads directly affected by the rail closures in Texas. Between them, 24 trains typically use the railroads daily to move agricultur­al products, automotive parts, finished vehicles, chemicals, and other consumer goods, according to the Associatio­n of American Railroads.

Union Pacific estimates the total losses for all impacted industries — in goods, wages and transporta­tion costs — in excess of $200 million a day. The railroad giant said the two crossings make up 45 percent of its cross-border business and that it cannot shift trains to other gateways.

BNSF did not provide a dollar estimate of losses but said it anticipate­s an impact to employees and a significan­t “downstream effect across our system, since those trains then travel throughout our 32,500-mile network,” according to a statement shared with The Associated Press.

What goods could be affected?

Nearly 10,000 Union Pacific rail cars are currently halted on both sides of the border. Some of those cars contain automotive parts and completed vehicles.

Automakers Ford, GM and Toyota told the AP that they would not be immediatel­y affected by the border shutdowns, but Stellantis, an automaker of 14 car brands including Dodge, Jeep, and Chrysler, expressed concern.

“The suspension of rail operations at the internatio­nal crossings between Texas and Mexico has the potential to significan­tly impact production at Stellantis’ North American facilities that will quickly ripple out to our U.S. supply base,” spokespers­on Jodi Stinson said in a statement.

Union Pacific said it has more than 60 trains — carrying automotive cars, food and beverages, industrial commoditie­s, and agricultur­e products such as grain — waiting at the border.

The National Grain and Feed Associatio­n and the North America Export Grain Associatio­n raised fears that stalled grain and oilseed shipments could have an impact for their customers in Mexico, which is among the groups’ most important export markets.

“NGFA and NAEGA have become aware this afternoon of critical tightness in feeding supplies for several livestock feeders in Mexico,” the organizati­ons said in a statement. “We have also learned of grain trains in multiple states being held for shipment due to CBP’s embargo. The critical nature of this issue is growing by the hour, particular­ly for those livestock feeders that may run short of feed.”

NGFA President Michael Seyfert said livestock feeders in Mexico could start to run out of grain to feed their animals if the crossings don’t reopen within a week because they don’t keep a big supply on hand.

“You can maybe stretch rations for a bit, but you can only do that so long,” he said.

 ?? ERIC GAY AP FILE ?? The Union Pacific Internatio­nal Railroad Bridge is seen behind concertina wire in Eagle Pass, Texas.
ERIC GAY AP FILE The Union Pacific Internatio­nal Railroad Bridge is seen behind concertina wire in Eagle Pass, Texas.

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