San Diego Union-Tribune

Resolving to be more resolute this year


When I was a child my parents helped my brother and me to make New Year’s resolution­s. They asked us what we wanted to do better in the coming year, but suggested what, in their opinion, we should do better. Of course, as youngsters we didn’t realize that we were being “prompted.” Then at school our teacher would ask the class what our resolution­s were. They also tried to influence us, with a nudge toward studying harder, reading more, etc. I remember one teacher in particular, Mrs. Shaw, my fourth grade English teacher, who would occasional­ly help us to remember our New Year’s resolution by having us write it down using proper grammar.

By February, the resolution was forgotten.

History repeats itself.

Last Jan. 1, I resolved to eat more (I’m too thin), exercise more (hmm), and play one of my musical instrument­s daily if even for a few minutes. That one went flat! I’m not sure if the resolution­s lasted until February, but “things” seemed to get in the way. I did buy an under-desk peddle machine, which is sitting in my home office, but ....

Here it is — another New Year’s Day and another chance to make resolution­s. I’ll try to keep them this year. Like last year I’ll try to eat more (Rubio’s and Starbucks here I come!); exercise more (put that under-desk peddler under your desk now, Iris!); and play a musical instrument. I’ve already taken out my soprano recorder and dusted off my piano keys.

So now it’s New Year’s Day and I’ve already made a start for the New Year. So what is really my New Year’s resolution for 2022? To keep my New Year’s resolution!

Iris Price, Ramona

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