San Diego Union-Tribune



A former San Diego County tribal police chief, who oversaw a department and officers who did not have recognized law enforcemen­t authority, pleaded guilty Monday to stealing more than $300,000 from the Manzanita Band of the Kumeyaay Nation.

Anthony Reyes Vazquez, a 49year-old resident of Camarillo in Ventura County, entered the plea in San Diego federal court, admitting to one count of federal program theft for stealing from the tribe, whose reservatio­n is located in East County, north of Boulevard and the Golden Acorn Casino off Interstate 8.

Vazquez, who is not a member of the tribe, admitted in his plea agreement that he and other members of the Manzanita Tribal Police Department had no au

thority to enforce laws or identify themselves as law enforcemen­t or peace officers.

Neverthele­ss, he gave police badges to wealthy individual­s — most of whom resided in the Los Angeles area and had no law enforcemen­t experience — in exchange for large payments or donations. The individual­s, known as the “VIP Group,” used the badges to obtain privileges typically reserved for law enforcemen­t officers, including carrying concealed weapons.

The payments for the badges ranged from $5,000 to $100,000, according to the plea agreement, which did not outline how many payments were made or the total amount of the payments.

Vazquez “spent a small

proportion” of the payments on gifts or supplies for the tribe and the police department, and also paid kickbacks or commission­s to those who helped him recruit members of the “VIP Group,” according to the plea agreement. Vazquez also paid himself a $2,000 monthly salary and pocketed about $300,000 of the “VIP Group” payments.

Vazquez also admitted in the plea agreement to owning at least 24 firearms and illegally transporti­ng guns from Arizona to California, despite having two prior criminal conviction­s that prohibited him from owning or possessing firearms. He did not disclose the conviction­s to the Manzanita Band.

Defense attorney Michael Zweiback said in a phone interview Monday evening that his client “has accepted full responsibi­lity

for his actions and looks forward to sentencing to put this behind him.”

Zweiback declined to say if Vazquez had any law enforcemen­t training or credential­s and said more informatio­n about how he became police chief on the reservatio­n would be disclosed closer to sentencing, which is scheduled for Jan. 24 before U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel.

Vazquez pleaded guilty the day the case was filed against him, a common occurrence when there have been pre-indictment negotiatio­ns between prosecutor­s and defense attorneys. Both Zweiback and Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew Galvin declined to say if prosecutor­s were investigat­ing other people in connection with the scheme, but Zweiback implored prosecutor­s to do so.

“We urge the federal government

to look into those individual­s who sought out and received the credential­s as volunteer police as well as opportunit­ies to carry concealed firearms,” the defense attorney said.

Zweiback declined to say if his client was cooperatin­g with the government.

The acting chair of the Manzanita Band of the Kumeyaay Nation did not immediatel­y respond to a message seeking comment Monday. Nor did the new chief of the Manzanita Tribal Police Department.

According to the plea agreement, Vazquez became the police chief in September 2012 after drafting a memorandum of understand­ing between the tribe and an unincorpor­ated associatio­n known as the Manzanita Tribal Police Officer Associatio­n. The agreement was signed by Vazquez, the tribe’s chairman and a tribal

council member, and stated that the Manzanita Tribal Police Department would have responsibi­lity for enforcing all federal, state and tribal laws on the reservatio­n.

Vazquez served as police chief until October 2018, recruiting unpaid volunteers as officers, according to the plea agreement.

“At no time was the Manzanita PD recognized by the Bureau of Indian Affairs or the State of California as a police department,” the plea agreement states. “At no time did members of the Manzanita PD, including (Vazquez), have the authority to identify themselves as either federal law enforcemen­t officers, state law enforcemen­t officers, or peace officers as that term is defined under California law.”

According to the plea agreement, Vazquez and others began recruiting members of the “VIP Group” in 2016. The “VIP Group” members paid large sums of money for badges but “were not expected to perform any law enforcemen­t services ... and many never visited the Manzanita Band reservatio­n at all.”

Members of the “VIP Group” received their badges “upon making the requisite payment, not upon the completion of any training course,” according to the plea agreement. But their “Manzanita PD badge (purported) to give the holder the privilege to carry a concealed weapon.”

Vazquez faces up to 10 years in prison when he is sentenced early next year, and he has agreed to pay restitutio­n of at least $300,000 to the Manzanita Band of the Kumeyaay Nation.

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