San Diego Union-Tribune


As industries turn to technology more and more, future for still-sidelined workers unclear


“COVID just highlighte­d that some of this may accelerate because there are potential interrupti­ons to your businesses that you need to be prepared for.” Mark Lewandowsk­i • Procter & Gamble’s director of robotics innovation

As the U.S. economy rebounds from the COVID-19 pandemic, employers are turning to greater use of automation, including robots, rather than calling back workers or hiring new ones in many cases.

The trend is affecting almost every sector, including manufactur­ing, distributi­on, transporta­tion, retail, restaurant­s and many kinds of personal and government services.

Airports have begun using mobile robots to spray disinfecti­ng chemicals on their facilities — work that janitors had initially done wearing moon suits and other personal protective equipment.

The Pennsylvan­ia Turnpike eliminated toll collection by hand and switched to a cashless electronic system.

Procter & Gamble, the maker of detergents, diapers, toilet paper and a cornucopia of other household goods, found that strategica­lly adding robots to its assembly lines made it possible to keep more workers on the job — and produce more goods — while complying with social-distancing guidelines.

Orders for robots in North America, mostly the U.S., surged 20 percent in the first quarter compared with a year earlier and

were up 16 percent from the same three-month period in 2019, well before the pandemic, according to the Associatio­n for Advancing Automation. Nearly 10,000 robots were ordered in last year’s fourth quarter, the second-best quarter ever, statistics show.

Although increasing automation has long been a trend, the pandemic — as well as recent trade wars and supply bottleneck­s — drove home for managers the high cost of unforeseen disruption­s in production.

The World Economic Forum said last fall that 50 percent of employers plan to step up automation at their firms.

While makers of cars and car parts have been the dominant users of industrial robots, many more industries today also are buying smaller mobile robots. The biggest percentage growth in robot purchases is coming from the food and consumer goods sector — a reflection of the boom in online shopping over the past year.

“COVID just highlighte­d that some of this may accelerate because there are potential

interrupti­ons to your businesses that you need to be prepared for,” said Mark Lewandowsk­i, P&G’s director of robotics innovation.

What the new push for automation will mean for millions of Americans still idled because of COVID-19 is not so clear.

Nyika Allen, director of aviation for Albuquerqu­e, N.M., doesn’t foresee the five robots she bought last year eliminatin­g the 50 custodial staff at the city’s two airports. But she suggested that overall airport employment could be lower.

Airport merchants are automating, too, with selfcheck stations and other touchless technology. And Albuquerqu­e recently converted to a mechanized screening system for checked bags, rather than manual screens by workers. “There’s less manpower behind the scenes,” Allen said.

Mike Kelly, a 58-year-old native of Pittsburgh with a wife and three children, made about $25 an hour, plus health insurance and a pension plan, as a toll collector on the Pennsylvan­ia Turnpike.

Even before the pandemic, the state had intended to install a high-tech, no-cash system in 2022. But

when COVID-19 shutdowns reduced both traffic on the turnpike and the revenue it yielded, the state moved up its plans by 18 months, laying off some 500 toll collectors and support staff last June.

Kelly reacted quickly. Using his own money, he enrolled in a training course to learn how to operate big trucks and other heavy motorized equipment. Today, he’s working for the turnpike again, this time driving maintenanc­e trucks, snowplows and other vehicles. He was reimbursed for the training. And his pay and benefits are at least equal to those from his toll booth days.

Not all of his colleagues from the toll booths have bounced back as he did.

Kelly Armour, 53, was angry and bitter about the layoffs. “We gave a warm, human aspect to the job, and we were replaced by technology,” she said. “I was only essential when it suited them.”

In January, Armour, who is single and also lives in the Pittsburgh area, went down to Florida to stay with her elderly father. She keeps herself busy gardening and baking. Once she exhausts her unemployme­nt benefits, Armour said she will use what severance she had from the turnpike. After that, she’s not sure.

“When you’re 50 years old, to start something new is troublesom­e,” she said.

As in past decades when mechanizat­ion and offshoring erased countless

jobs, those most threatened by the latest push in automation are people with fewer skills and in tasks that are routine and repetitive.

Researcher­s at the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund, in a recent paper, reported that past epidemics, including SARS in 2003 and Ebola in 2014, not only accelerate­d robot adoption but tended to increase inequality by displacing low-skilled workers. COVID-19 presents a similar risk, they warned.

The demand for more automated equipment is likely to grow further as a result of more companies bringing back production to the U.S.

Factories in Asian countries such as China and South Korea tend to make more use of robots than the U.S., giving them a competitiv­e advantage that goes beyond labor rates.

For those with fewer skills, analysts see a darker future, partly because the United States has never put as much emphasis on job retraining and retention as countries such as Germany has.

In the U.S., said Susanne Bieller, general secretary of the Germany-based Internatio­nal Federation of Robotics, there’s more of “a hire and fire way of doing things.”

That means less-skilled workers in this country “may suffer significan­t hardship as they seek new work, potentiall­y in occupation­s where they have no experience or training,” MIT scholars David Autor and Elisabeth

Reynolds said in a Brookings Institutio­n paper.

“Paradoxica­lly, having too few low-wage, economical­ly insecure jobs is actually worse than having too many,” they said, because reducing demand for less-skilled people in low-paid jobs won’t “ultimately raise demand for these same workers in middle-paid jobs.”

Contributi­ng to the problem for less-skilled workers is that the pandemic has wiped out countless small businesses.

That has given a bigger share of the market to larger firms, which can afford more automation and historical­ly pay a smaller percentage of earnings to workers in favor of shareholde­rs and owners.

“We can expect leaner staffing in retail stores, restaurant­s, auto dealership­s, and meat-packing facilities, among many other places,” according to Autor and Reynolds.

Melonee Wise, chief executive of San Jose-based Fetch Robotics, a leading U.S. maker of mobile robots, said: “We have to come up with other solutions. There needs to be social protection­s for people who are experienci­ng challenges due to technology transforma­tion.”

She added: “The fact of the matter is that we’re not going to stop using technology in general because it displaces certain parts of our work.”

 ?? LOS ANGELES TIMES FILE ?? Carmakers like Tesla have been leaders in using industrial robots, but more industries, like the consumer goods sector, are buying smaller mobile robots.
LOS ANGELES TIMES FILE Carmakers like Tesla have been leaders in using industrial robots, but more industries, like the consumer goods sector, are buying smaller mobile robots.
 ?? GENE J. PUSKAR AP ?? A robotic scrubber cleans and sanitizes the floor with ultraviole­t rays at a building at Pittsburgh Internatio­nal Airport recently.
GENE J. PUSKAR AP A robotic scrubber cleans and sanitizes the floor with ultraviole­t rays at a building at Pittsburgh Internatio­nal Airport recently.

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