San Antonio Express-News

O’Rourke’s disdain for the religiousl­y conservati­ve

- michaelger­son@washpost. com

Beto O’Rourke, innovative for interpreti­ng a failed Senate campaign as a steppingst­one to the presidency, is now famous for (1) his use of profanity on the campaign trail, (2) his pledge that “hell, yes” he wants to confiscate AR15s and (3) his proposal to tax religious institutio­ns that don’t approve of gay marriage.

This is not the normal substance of presidenti­al ambitions. Few young people nursing political dreams say: “When I grow up, I want to be a foulmouthe­d, overreachi­ng, antireligi­ous culminatio­n of every exaggerate­d liberal stereotype and the embodiment of every fevered conservati­ve nightmare.” Perhaps O’Rourke was just precocious in that way. It is more likely that he was led in this direction by the desperate pursuit of a spotlight that fell on him once, and briefly.

Some responsibl­e Democrat needs to sit O’Rourke down and tell him it is not worth winning the Democratic nomination in ways that guarantee a landslide for Donald Trump. And that it is not worth losing the nomination in ways that badly hurt the eventual Democratic nominee. The loyalty and enthusiasm of Trump’s base of support in the GOP — especially among white evangelica­ls — are ensured by apocalypti­c fears. The election of a Democratic president, the story goes, would end America as we know it and usher in an era of antiChrist­ian persecutio­n. By this logic, conservati­ve Christians view Trump as a thug who fights in their favor.

It is a unique conception of religious social engagement: Hire someone to do unto others what you fear they will do to you. This is Christian politics as protection racket. It is theologica­lly inadequate — and damaging to the public standing and witness of evangelica­ls. But it makes more sense as a political strategy when the threat from secular liberalism becomes less imaginary.

Asked in a CNN town hall if churches and religious organizati­ons should lose their taxexempt status if they oppose samesex marriage, O’Rourke responded: “Yes. There can be no reward, no benefit, no tax break for anyone, or any institutio­n, any organizati­on in America that denies the full human rights and the full civil rights of every single one of us. And so, as president, we’re going to make that a priority and we are going to stop those who are infringing upon the human rights of our fellow Americans.”

Was O’Rourke really promising to withdraw tax benefits from “anyone” who does not approve of samesex marriage and not just institutio­ns? Would someone who is internally divided get a partial tax break? What if they changed their mind during the third quarter of the fiscal year?

Presumably this was O’Rourke getting carried away in his disdain for religiousl­y conservati­ve Christians and Muslims. But the problem gets no easier in applying the O’Rourke rule to institutio­ns and organizati­ons. How does one decide if, say, one United Methodist Church is in violation of the new IRS rule and another is not? By the minister’s view on samesex marriage? By counting the majority position of the congregati­on? By the view of the local bishop? By the view of the national church?

The taxation of churches according to their moral views would be inherently and massively intrusive. In the majority opinion of Walz v. Tax Commission of the City of New York, Chief Justice Warren Burger argued that any taxation of churches would mandate extensive interactio­n between government and religion. “The exemption creates only a minimal and remote involvemen­t between church and state, and far less than taxation of churches,” he said. “It restricts the fiscal relationsh­ip between church and state, and tends to complement and reinforce the desired separation insulating each from the other.”

The proposed O’Rourke rule would only work by getting rid of the tax “reward” for all religious institutio­ns — institutio­ns which some progressiv­es seem to view with contempt. But the exemption is not a reward. According to Burger, the tax code “simply abstains from demanding that the church support the state.” As a practical matter, changing this would cripple the provision of social services to the poor and suffering, since religious institutio­ns feed the hungry, treat substance abuse, resettle refugees, provide health care, housing, legal services, mentoring, literacy education, employment training and make countless other humane contributi­ons to the common good.

O’Rourke’s proposal is manifestly foolish — an example of ideology unleashed by ignorance. The eventual nominee of the party — who will not be O’Rourke — will either repudiate this idea or grant Trump a stout stick to beat Democrats with.

 ?? Sandy Huffaker / Getty Images ?? Beto O’Rourke, it seems, is increasing­ly desperate for the spotlight that, briefly, fell on him. His ideas would guarantee Donald Trump’s reelection.
Sandy Huffaker / Getty Images Beto O’Rourke, it seems, is increasing­ly desperate for the spotlight that, briefly, fell on him. His ideas would guarantee Donald Trump’s reelection.

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