San Antonio Express-News (Sunday)

Taking the side of peace in the Mideast


Pope Francis said it well:

“War does not solve any problem, it only sows death and destructio­n, increases hatred, multiplies revenge. War erases the future.”

The future for Palestinia­ns and Israelis is being erased each passing day. Before it is too late, the United States and Congress should side with peace, not more war, in the Middle East.

Hamas’ horrific attacks that killed more than 1,400 Israelis and their abduction of more than 200 civilians should be strongly condemned. The U.S. and internatio­nal community should work fervently to hold those responsibl­e accountabl­e while securing the release of hostages. I stand for the safety and dignity of all Israelis.

I also stand for the safety and dignity of all Palestinia­ns. The indiscrimi­nate, inhumane Israeli response that has already claimed as many as 10,000 lives in Gaza, including many children, must also be clearly condemned. The U.S. and internatio­nal community should insist internatio­nal law be respected with all civilians protected.

As a person of faith, I mourn the tragic loss of all lives and pray for those who have lost loved ones in Israel and the occupied Palestinia­n territorie­s. I also mourn the response of my government, which seems unable to value the human rights and lives of Palestinia­ns. In stark contrast to the Pope’s message, President Joe Biden has made clear which “team” the U.S. is on by asking Congress for billions more in weapons for Israel. This not only makes the U.S. complicit in unfolding war crimes; it also fuels anti-American sentiment, underminin­g national and global security.

Having lived through the 9/11 attacks, I understand the fear and outrage that terrorism inflicts on a community. But two decades of endless war, military quagmires, trillions of dollars spent and more than 432,000 civilians killed from our global war on terror should have taught us that war is not the answer. Instead of pouring more weapons into the conflict with one hand while supporting humanitari­an aid with the other, Biden and Congress should be fervently working to help halt the killing while addressing the root causes, so the cycle of war and violence does not repeat itself.

Some media coverage is not helping. My middlescho­oler, after a discussion about cable news with classmates, believed once an attack is labeled “terrorism,” there are no limits to the violence used in response.

Internatio­nal humanitari­an law does not allow

the indiscrimi­nate bombing of civilians. Hospitals, churches, schools and residentia­l neighborho­ods are not legitimate military targets, especially when they are providing refuge for thousands fleeing for their lives.

My Quaker faith calls me to reject all forms of violence and to continuall­y work to prevent war, break cycles of violence and rebuild relationsh­ips. But people of all faiths — or those not religious at all — can see the horrors of this war and what may come next.

I cannot begin to understand the trauma and suffering people are now experienci­ng in Gaza and Israel, but I can choose to stand on the side of peace and of ending the killing, the side where human dignity for both Israelis and Palestinia­ns still resides together.

Bridget Moix, general secretary of the Friends Committee on National Legislatio­n and its associated Quaker hospitalit­y center, Friends Place on Capitol Hill, wrote this piece for Religion News Service.

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