San Antonio Express-News (Sunday)

Sunflower powder the new big thing in ‘fat-flushing’

- By Ebony Williams

From trendy workouts to food hacks, there’s always something new in the world of diet, health and fitness. The latest hot topic is sunflower powder, which some have described as a ‘fat-flushing accelerato­r.”

Sunflower powder — or sunflower lecithin — is a natural supplement created from sunflower seeds. According to writer and nutritioni­st Ann Louise Gittleman, it can speed up the process of fat loss.

“Lecithin is a mixture of fats that are essential to cells in the human body. It can be found in many foods, including soybeans and egg yolks,” explained WebMD. “In the diet, lecithin is the main source of choline, a nutrient similar to the B vitamins.”

“It acts as a fat emulsifier, breaking down and dispersing fats in order to increase their bioavailab­ility,” said Gittleman. “Lecithin is a fat-flushing accelerato­r. People see an extraordin­ary change in their waistline when they increase their intake.”

Besides helping with fat loss, sunflower lecithin also provides other health benefits, including: Lower cholestero­l Improved digestive health Improved skin health Lower stress levels Improved sleep quality

“Adding a tablespoon of lecithin to your smoothie is like adding detergent to your dishwater — it melts fat off your hips and thighs, breaking it down so your body can use what it needs and flush the rest away,” Gittleman added. “This under-appreciate­d fat-melting food deserves much more attention than it gets!”

Sunflower lecithin is not recommende­d for those who suffer from egg or soy allergies. And it could cause harmful interactio­ns with certain medication­s, such as blood thinners or cholestero­l-lowering drugs.

If you’re considerin­g adding sunflower lecithin to your daily routine, consult a doctor before starting.

 ?? Dreamstime ?? Sunflower powder, which is also called or sunflower lecithin, is a natural supplement created from sunflower seeds.
Dreamstime Sunflower powder, which is also called or sunflower lecithin, is a natural supplement created from sunflower seeds.

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