San Antonio Express-News (Sunday)

Deborah Romero MacGregor


I am a Fighter, I was diagnosed on September 9, 2021 with Stage 2 cancer. I had my lumpectamy and double masecromy on January 7, 2022. I ended up in the hospital on February 14, 2022 due to an infection. I had 3 surgeries from Vale tines day up to Friday of the same week. I was finally released a week later. I started my chemo treatments about 2 days later, did 12 sessions of them, even went to work after the treatments. I finished my treatment and worked as usual, but was told that I was going to go another round of chemo with 4 sessions every other week. I decided to take a short term leave from work and was off for 2 months, this round of chemo was stronger so it kept me nauseated for a couple of months. I am finally done with chemo, but then had surgery to have 7 lymphnodes removed due to one of them having a little tissue of breast cancer. I’ve had a PET scan and a CAT scan, that is how I found out that I had thyroid cancer. My doctor said it was a bump on the road, a non aggressive one. So, now I am battling 2 cancers. I will be starting my radiation in 3 weeks. From now, till before then, I will be having another surgey to remove my thyroid cancer. I will be doing 5 weeks of radiation Monday thru Friday. After all is done, I will be having my reconstruc­tive surgery and then I will be done with it. I am truly Blessed that we caught it on time and I never would have made it this far if it wasn’t for God standing next to me, holding my hand through all of this and for my family back in West Texas and my work family standing behind me, encouragin­g me to keep fighting. My kids, work family, and doctors call me Wonder Woman. Due to this happening to me, it has brought me to God, he is the one that has kept me alive and strong to fight this evil, I have decided to go to college and do ministry, I was accepted to Houston Baptist University. I will be starting classes in January. I would like to thank my kids, my family and friends and work family for believing in me and for being there for me. I would have not made it this far without them. And for my soon to be ex-husband, he left on Christmas Day last year, I forgave him and now, he is my best friend and is by my side helping me fight this fight.

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