San Antonio Express-News (Sunday)

Red-state Dems face ‘terrible’ court vote

Re-elections may be at risk


WASHINGTON — Democratic senators running for re-election in red states where President Donald Trump remains popular face an agonizing choice over his coming Supreme Court nominee: Vote to confirm the pick and risk demoralizi­ng Democratic voters ahead of the midterm elections, or stick with the party and possibly sacrifice their own seats — and any chance at a Democratic majority in 2019.

The actions of a handful of Senate Democrats struggling to hold their seats in those states — notably Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Joe Donnelly of Indiana and Joe Manchin of West Virginia — will have broad implicatio­ns for the party at a critical political juncture.

A decision by one or all of them to try to bolster their standing with Republican­leaning voters in their states by backing the president’s nominee would undermine Democratic leaders as they try to sustain party unity. And if their votes put the president’s choice on the court, it could hasten the move to the left by the party’s aggressive activist core, while intensifyi­ng the clamor for new, more confrontat­ional leadership.

But if they hold together on a “no” vote, those senators could not only surrender their own seats, but by expanding the Republican majority, could also narrow the path of Democrats to a Senate majority for years to come by ceding those states to Republican­s.

“It is a terrible vote,” Jennifer Duffy, a longtime nonpartisa­n analyst of Senate races for the Cook Political Report, said about the showdown, which will escalate Monday with the scheduled official announceme­nt of the nominee.

It could not come at a worse time. A final confirmati­on vote will probably be called just weeks before an election in which Democrats are defending a sprawling battlegrou­nd, including 10 states carried by Trump, with Democratic pickup opportunit­ies in only a handful of states. A failure to hang on to nearly all 10 would make a Senate takeover difficult.

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