Royal Oak Tribune

Teachers union sues DeVos, school district over special ed


CHICAGO » The Chicago Teachers Union on Wednesday announced it is suing U.S. Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and the city’s public school district, saying its policies interfere with the education of students with special needs during the coronaviru­s pandemic.

DeVos and Chicago Public Schools have failed “to provide resources and guidance for special education students” during the public health crisis, the union said in a news release announcing the federal lawsuit. A spokeswoma­n for DeVos characteri­zed the lawsuit as a political stunt designed to cover for the union’s own failures.

“This is nothing more than political posturing for a headline,” press secretary Angela Moribito said in a statement. “It’s sad to see the union making excuses for why they can’t educate all students instead of figuring out a way to make it happen.”

The district suggested the lawsuit, rather than the policies that prompted it, is detrimenta­l to the education of special needs students.

“Make no mistake: this lawsuit against the district is not about helping students — it’s about avoiding the necessary steps to ensure our most vulnerable students are supported during this unpreceden­ted crisis,” CPS said in a statement. The lawsuit contends that between the education department’s failure to provide adequate resources and guidance for special education, and the “ill-conceived CPS remote learning policies for special education” during the pandemic, the education of thousands of special needs students has been undermined.

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