Rome News-Tribune

Rome Home Builders Associatio­n awards scholarshi­ps, installs officers

- From staff reports

The Rome Home Builders Associatio­n recently awarded scholarshi­ps and installed officers for their fiscal year that began Sept. 1.

Andrew Fednander and Jessica Heifner each won $500 scholarshi­ps for the Fall semester through the RHBA Scholarshi­p Program. The program is open to students in the constructi­on and residentia­l building trades at Georgia Northweste­rn Technical College.

Fednander is working to earn his diploma as an air conditioni­ng technician. While maintainin­g a 4.0 GPA, he’s putting his education and skills to work at a local familyowne­d heating and air company. He said the scholarshi­p will help him cover the cost of tuition as he completes his diploma this fall.

Heifner is pursuing a constructi­on management degree with the goal of becoming a green builder. She said she wants to be a resource for home buyers before constructi­on begins, to build in features that lead to less environmen­tal impact and better quality of life. She maintains a 3.75 GPA while raising three children.

Connie Williams, RHBA executive officer, said there is a shortage of trades men and women to support a growing building industry. The scholarshi­p program is meant to help attract and retain students with a focus on constructi­on managers, heating and air techs, plumbers, electricia­ns, painters, landscaper­s, and others who provide support and stability to the residentia­l constructi­on industry.

In other business, Terry West of Pella

Windows and Doors was installed as the new president of the RHBA. He will lead the organizati­on with Ivy Lowrey, who will serve as vice president; the president-elect Will Pinson as secretary-treasurer; and Sammy Bartley as immediate past president.

The board of directors is made up of local builders and associate members elected by the associatio­n membership.

West said that residentia­l constructi­on is strong but is continuall­y being impacted by distributi­on and building material delays throughout the industry covering all facets of constructi­on. Consumers trying to build a home and settle their families are often delayed for weeks or even months while they wait for deliverabl­es needed to finish constructi­on.

Pinson, of Pinson’s Constructi­on, said RHBA builders work with associates to adjust ordering and delivery schedules to lessen the impact.

“It doesn’t fix everything, but it does help,” he said.

The RHBA meets at noon the second Wednesday of each month. All builders and related companies are invited to join to stay abreast of industry, regulatory, and community news. Reach out to rhba.eo@ for more informatio­n.

 ?? Contribute­d ?? The Rome Home Builders Assoc. Scholarshi­p Committee poses with winner Andrew Fednander. Pictured (from left) are Bonnie Thomas, Terry West, Fednander, Larry Maxey and Sammy Bartley. Not pictured: winner Jessica Heifner.
Contribute­d The Rome Home Builders Assoc. Scholarshi­p Committee poses with winner Andrew Fednander. Pictured (from left) are Bonnie Thomas, Terry West, Fednander, Larry Maxey and Sammy Bartley. Not pictured: winner Jessica Heifner.
 ?? Contribute­d ?? RHBA officers and board members are (from left) Sammy Bartley, Bill Temple, Ivy Lowrey, Terry West, Bonnie Thomas, Hunter Newton, and Will Pinson. Not pictured: Larry Maxey, Mark Autry, Phil Burkhalter, Randy Davis, Hunt Quinlivan, and Will Mathis.
Contribute­d RHBA officers and board members are (from left) Sammy Bartley, Bill Temple, Ivy Lowrey, Terry West, Bonnie Thomas, Hunter Newton, and Will Pinson. Not pictured: Larry Maxey, Mark Autry, Phil Burkhalter, Randy Davis, Hunt Quinlivan, and Will Mathis.

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