Rome News-Tribune

50 Years Ago

Sunday, Oct. 3, 1971 Esserman’s observes 75th year in Rome


Esserman’s, Rome’s oldest locallyown­ed department store, will begin celebratin­g its founding Monday, with special sales and other activities marking the event. The anniversar­y celebratio­n will continue through the next several weeks.

The firm, which specialize­s in men’s and women’s wear, was founded in 1896 by a young Latvian immigrant, Pressley I. Esserman.

Mr. Esserman landed in New York from Riga, Latvia in July 1891. He remained there a few hours and turned South, arriving in Atlanta later in the month without a cent.

The next day tow men, wholesaler­s, credited him with $58 in merchandis­e and sent him to McDonough, where he peddled from door to door, frequently carrying his merchandis­e on his back.

In 1892 he transferre­d his business to Rome and in September 1896 he opened his store on Broad Street, where it stands today.

To supplement his earnings he became an agent for the Metropolit­an Life Insurance Company. Since he did not read or write English he was forced to write all the informatio­n on a piece of paper in Hebrew and later translate it into English in the insurance office.

The business boomed in the early 1900s and he bought the building in 1920. Misfortune struck in 1930 when the building burned to the ground. However, he soon rebuilt the store into a beautiful new showpiece.

Pressley Esserman died in 1944 and the store was passed down to his sons, Ben and Hyman Esserman. Since its founding the store has undergone six major renovation­s and in 1970 was furnished with one of the most striking window display areas in the Rome area.

In commenting on the upcoming celebratio­n, Mr. Hyman Esserman said, “Although we’re celebratin­g 75 years of service to the Rome area, we’re still young and vibrant, thanks to our many friends in Rome and Floyd County.”

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