Rome News-Tribune

Rememberin­g Randy Davis, input about the Braves and other subjects


FFARRER irst, I want to start this column by saying thank you for everyone that has helped me since starting this job back in early September. From the coaches to the athletes to the administra­tors to my fellow staffers at the RN-T to the readers that have sent along nice words, critiques and suggestion­s and to anyone else I may have left out, I am so appreciati­ve for it all.

I have had a blast since coming back to the sports-writing business, and it has just reinforced to me in a huge way that this is what I’m supposed to be doing and this is where I’m supposed to be. It hasn’t hurt that I’ve been able to cover some great athletic events and write some fun stories about the local sports scene so far, and I look forward to doing so much more as I get further settled in to this role.

One of the things I have told myself I am going to do more regularly is write a column, which is tougher than you might think, as I try to corral my thoughts into a somewhat coherent and mildly interestin­g read.

So here it is…my first attempt.

I hope you enjoy or at least can suffer through it without too much of a struggle. Here are some things that have been on my mind lately:

The loss of a local legend

One of the reasons I’ve put this column off over the last couple weeks is because I was worried about being able to gather the right words to say about the recent loss of Randy Davis. I mean what do you say about a man that contribute­d as much as he did to local radio and local sports, especially high school sports?

I didn’t know Randy all that well personally, but I had enough interactio­n with him to know what kind of man he was. And that was reinforced by all the stories and tales that have been shared over the last couple weeks since his passing. What I do know is that he was passionate about sports, especially promoting high school sports in this area.

My first introducti­on to Randy (or Randy’s voice) was way before I even thought about getting into the paper business. It was sitting at home as a middle school and high school kid, listening to him call Rome News-Tribune Christmas

Tournament games. I also listened to him call Rome Braves games and many other local sports contests before I actually met him when I made my way into sports-writing locally. Whether it be at the Rome Braves or the Christmas Tournament or a local football game or wherever, he always had something nice to say about my efforts as a young sports writer. I am thankful for that.

I’ve gotten to know his son Matt over the past few years as well, whether it be chatting with him at local games or as a guest on his NWGA Sports Live show in recent years, and I can see a lot of Randy in him. I’m sure the whole family is the same as Randy made an impact on them just like he did this community.

One thing is for sure…Randy will be missed greatly. I’m not sure the former, present or future local athletes know what he did for them over his time on the radio and media scene. But I can assure them, his contributi­ons were huge.

My thoughts and prayers continue to be with his family and friends. It will be very sad and strange to not see him this year at the Christmas Tournament, but I’m sure his spirit will live on there.

Braves ready to make up for last year

The Atlanta Braves are once again in the National League Championsh­ip Series. And guess who they are going to have to try to get through to get to a possible World Series? That’s right, the Los Angeles Dodgers. I had a gut feeling it was going to happen even when San Francisco held a 2-1 advantage over them in the NLDS.

I wouldn’t want it any other way though. This is one of those obstacles that you have to find a way to get over if you’re Atlanta. They had the Dodgers down 3-1 last year in the NLCS, and in the words of the late, great NFL coach Denny Green, “We let ‘em off the hook!”

Maybe it’s my own personal bias coming through, I can admit, but I just feel like it’s the Braves’ time. Call it a team of destiny feel or whatever you want to. The Dodgers have had their time. Now, it’s the Braves’ time.

I’ll take the Braves in six.

A little about college football

Apparently, Georgia is pretty good. That’s all. No need to make a big deal about it. Does that qualify as ‘a little about college football?’

 ?? ?? Farrer

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