Rome News-Tribune

Former spouse is pushing widowed reader to rekindle their relationsh­ip


Dear Abby: My wife of 38 years passed away a year and a half ago. My ex-wife, to whom I was married for 14 years, and who is the mother of our adult kids, is single again after four failed marriages. She’s making overtures about getting together again. She is assertive, likes to spend and was very jealous. At my age, I could use the help, but it would require selling my house and moving. She’s really pushing, but I’m just not sure. It would be nice to have someone around because I am lonely. She is a neat lady, but I just don’t know. Help!

— Propositio­ned in

the Midwest

Dear Propositio­ned: Surely you can find someone to fill your loneliness other than a woman you divorced for at least two solid reasons. I have four words of advice for you: When in doubt — DON’T!

Dear Abby: During a recent trip to the supermarke­t, I noticed a couple in their 50s who were shopping for produce. The woman picked up eight different avocados before selecting one. (I counted.) The man touched three different bags of oranges before placing one in their cart. I considered asking them to stop touching the food, but I didn’t want a confrontat­ion. How would you have handled this? Can you please encourage your readers to minimize what they touch for the sake of public safety?

— Concerned Shopper

Dear Concerned: I would have handled it by talking about it to the store manager. In California, signs are posted asking customers to please handle merchandis­e as little as possible, and shoppers are encouraged not only to wear masks and practice social distancing while shopping for groceries, but also to wear gloves.

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